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Everything posted by carohs

  1. We continued on the drive. We stopped at another overlook right before the stop for Devastation Trail. Truthfully this one could have been missed. It may have been cool but vegetation has grown tall enough to block the view. Devastation we only walked a short way but it was interesting anyway how you can see new plantlife starting to grow where lava has passed before. If you think about it, the islands were all just a field of lava at one point before turning into the rainforest it is today (on the windward side anyway).
  2. We made it to the other side where there's a few more parking spots. This area accesses the CRT and the Thurston Lava Tube. We opted not to move the car and just crossed the street to the tube. I thought it was cool and had really expected DS to be into it. Alas, it was too dark and wet according to the kids. Looking thru the pictures I didn't get any clear ones from inside. I'll blame the low light. Found a few interesting plantlife on the walk back to the car. Trees growing on tree Tree in bloom.
  3. Next we stopped at the Tiki trail where they have another overlook. Only about half a mile long. From here you can also do the crater rim trail if you are prepared for a 3-4 hour hike. Noooo thanks. Oh FYI I detest hiking but I don't mind if I have to walk to get to a destination, as long as it's within reason. For me within reason tends to be no more than a mile.
  4. First stop was steam vents. It was cool to see the big crater and feel the heat of the vents.
  5. Alright I think I'm ready to go over the day. Took a few hours to chill in hot tub after coming back. Warm water felt good after walking another 15k steps today. Starting with debarkation. We were in our rental and on the road by 8:40. We booked a car with National and they don't have a shuttle. Avis and Budget do. I had thought to maybe sneak onto theirs anyway but by the time we made it out of the ship their shuttle had just left. A pair of sisters were also heading to the National counter and the taxi sitting there are minivans. We shared the taxi and split the fare: $16 plus tip. Per the drivers advice we went to VNP first but later on I realized that going to Rainbow Falls first may have been the better way to go. We made it to the visitors center with enough time for a bathroom break before catching the info video at 9:30. The video runs 25 minutes and plays every 30 minutes.
  6. What? Dang what a bummer. Def tell us more. And anyone else too on this sailing feel free to chip in your thoughts.
  7. Hilo from deck 15. Much more picturesque than Kahului
  8. Some ship pictures Deck 5/atrium Seating throughout
  9. Aloha from Hilo today. free-style-daily-4.pdf
  10. Have not! I will keep an eye out for it.
  11. Someone's getting a little too cozy if you ask me
  12. Since we haven't had a lot of activity I'll note a couple items of note. The midship elevators run on two separate call systems. Most people will press both call buttons to call the first of 4 elevators resulting in a second elevator getting called where no one is getting in. Makes for an inefficient call system especially for the busiest bank of elevators on the ship. DH heard a conversation between a staff member and another passenger. The staff person was explaining that all dsc, additional tips, even cash tips, are pooled; approx 60% makes it directly to crew. Of the other 40% that supposedly supports incentive programs a small amount (she said not nearly the 40%) is distributed as bonuses. She also indicated that she is allowed to keep directed tips, as in you verbally have to clearly state this is for you, given the night before disembarkation day. With so much mixed messaging on DSC, take of that what you will.
  13. Our low key day at the beach ended with shaved ice. So yummy and another island must do checked off. We headed to the airport and got a Uber to the port. Driver was offering to drop us off at the service entrance, idk. She was nice but peeyew her car reeked cigarettes. She went to the port entrance and while we were getting out of the car the security approached us said we can't drop off there. I was like, but we're already out?! He's threatened to call port police and then did!! We were made to get back in the car oh man. Eventually we made it across the street to Longs and just crossed back. I really expected an Uber driver to know where she could drop off. Guess what DD wanted to do after spending a day on the water? Get in the pool that's what. DS asked today, "how do you keep someone in suspense?"
  14. We had zero plans today. This works out just fine beause my legs can use a reprieve. We drove to McGregor light house, but rather we ended up driving past it because we missed the entrance way. We took some scenic pictures at a nearby overlook and ended up at Palo Beach. I saw a couple other beaches nearer on the map. Kihei smelled like poop so we kept driving. Wailea we attempted to turn into but could see no beach access road, just resorts. So now we're at the beach having a low key day.
  15. The waitstaff recognized us from dining embarkation day. The server said he'd never seen a kid drink every drop of their water (and milk) and not cry when denied soda.
  16. We took a leisurely morning and ate breakfast in the dining room. I ordered a cappuccino and it was delicious. Beware, they're served in teeny coffee cups. You may want to order a couple up front. One suited me just fine. Breakfast was really good too. A few unexpected items: bagel, shakshuka, and hot chocolate. Shakshuka just because I'd never tried it. The lox was shaped as a rose and bagel came with lettuce. Hot chocolate, DD got a whole teapot.
  17. Aloha. Here's today's freestyle free-style-daily-3.pdf
  18. For those wondering about parking: we didn't park at the mall. DH didn't figure it was worth the risk. He looked up Uber/Lyft from the airport and was quoted $58. We parked at the Seaside Hotel for $25. Cleaned up, headed to dinner. DD was practically starving poor child. The highlight was a fruit salad. It had pear, kiwi, and a fruit I didn't recognize but maybe papaya. I'll let y'all educate me if you know what it is. Very tart (DD said sour she didn't like it); very sweet. Then we crashed. We crashed so hard even the kids who got a nap in on the drive back. I tried to update before but it became a lost cause when cruise critic was refusing to load. IDK if it was poor cell service or something else. Seems to be working quite fine now. Good night. No idea what tomorrow will bring.
  19. We continued on the road until getting to the seven sacred pools, but I told DH I was too tired for an hour long hike. We did a u-ie and didn't stop again til we parked the car for the evening. Oh wait. We did stop. We wouldn't have but we were forced to due to a large tree blocking the entirety of the road. Thankfully the truck and workers were already enroute and the delay was very short-lived. This is why we did this today and not tomorrow. It's already a full day; didn't want a potential delay and boom you miss all aboard. Shortly after this DD and DS fell asleep on the drive. The drive back was just as scenic and wonderous, too. We decided to download the GuideAlong app to help us make our way through. The drive back the guy gives you some Hawaiian history to keep you interested. Both this app and Shaka are highly recommended. Choosing one was a coin flip; I don't think you can go wrong either way. On the drive back the ocean is on the passenger side. Got lots more scenic pictures and even managed to spot another rainbow. It's faint but it's there.
  20. We kept driving toward Hana after and ended up seeing red sand. Didn't write down the name of this place though. 2:15
  21. 15 min later DH said let's get a family selfie with the geyser in the background. I'm sure you can guess where this is headed. Fifteen min of watching small wave eruptions and the one time we turn our backs.....yup. Huge spray made it up and over our heads. I squealed so loud you probably thought I was getting attacked by a bear, unless you were the family just coming up in which case you witnessed the whole thing. Like the lady who took the commemorative drenched family picture said, you couldn't have timed that had you tried. I was done for after that but oh my gosh what a great family vacation story. DH managed to snap a picture too of the geyser behind us; the only bummer being in the commotion he managed to leave himself out of the frame.
  22. There's also a trail from the beach up to see a geyser. This trail is not for the unsure footed. Lots of rocks, roots and odd shaped steps. Watching the blow hole was fun. We found a couple rocks to sit on while we just relaxed.
  23. We spent an hour, hour and half?, at the beach. DD had been informed we'd be heading here and did the usual "are we there yet?" along the way. Both kids thought the black sand was super cool. They tell you that swimming is not recommendeded and as you approach you can easily see why. First of all the sand is more like tiny pebbles which makes it hecka slippery to walk on. The beach is also very steep, and the waves quite fast. Yeah I could easily imagine getting swept up in the current. Immediately to the right of the beach is a tunnel that even the kids had to crouch to enter. But if you are agile enough it leads to a pretty cool sea cave. Here's me
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