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Posts posted by CruisinCrystal13

  1. We are booking two rooms on the Seaside, both balcony rooms, both with drink packages. Yet for some reason, for our 2 adult & 2 kid room it gives us Fantastica for $0… and our second room with two adults (no kids) is $70pp for Fantastica. I only care because we need the room choice option so our rooms are together (for helping a disabled person in our group.) I called and the rep wasn’t able to figure out why one room was being charged for Fantastica and one was free. Any clue?? If I have to eat the $140 to ensure we have rooms together that’s ok, but I HAVE to know what triggers the “free Fantastica” perk when the only difference in our bookings is the presence of two small kids in one room. Thanks! 

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