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Posts posted by rmedistro

  1. We did a 10 day on this ship over last Christmas/New Year. Had a great time. The New Years Eve party on the pool deck was a lot of fun for all. First time I've seen midnight in awhile.
    MDR food was good, buffet good. Rooms a bit dated, but public spaces on point.

    Service was great.

    We did have fog on the disembark/arrival day in Tampa. Had to stay anchored outside of the bay, until Noon or so. Wasn't a big deal for us, as we live on the Space Coast and drove over to Tampa. But a lot of others were fretting plane reservations.

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  2. We did a 10 day out of Tampa on the Constellation last Christmas/New Years.
    I thought the boat had character, and a great group of cruisers. My wife thought the ship was dated, and needed a renovation.  Food was good, service in both MDR/Pool deck good.  Had a wonderful New Year's Eve party on pool deck.
    But, we're on Ascent in 13 days. Guess you can figure out who makes the ship selections now.

    • Haha 3
  3. We're on the 12/10 Ascent sailing.

    Always put in move up bids, but never get accepted, as I always bid close to the minimum.

    Was surprised to get a Sky Suite move up confirmation email today at $100 over the minimum.

    Going to surprise the wife, and let her find out when we board. We have never booked anything in Suite or AQ, always veranda cabins. With 3 days at sea on this 7 day sailing the Retreat areas will be a nice perk.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, the penguins said:

    I always find references to Blue Chip confusing (or perhaps it's just to defect the blame) because as far as I see it's nothing more than a marketing department of Celebrity/Royal.

    With regard to Vaping the points I made in my detailed question were:

    In the UK/Europe and many other countries vaping inside any public building/public transport is banned along with all forms of traditional smoking. 

    The UK and other countries look set to ban the sale of single use vapes.

    Not only would passengers be affected but also staff.

    I also asked if X allowed vaping in it's own offices - totally banned in UK/Europe/Australia/New Zealand but possibly not in the US. 

    Fortunately X has, in my opinion, seen sense and withdrawn the whole proposal.


    I totally agree, that both smoking and vaping should never be allowed indoors, in public places. Casinos in the US have gotten away with allowing smoking for over 20 years since municipalities have banned it in the US. They pay huge sums of money for the privilege, knowing that it is one of the few public spaces that consumers can smoke openly.  If you keep them at the tables/slots, they lose more money, in a shorter period of time.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, The_Big_M said:


    The Royal College of Physicians are clear that vaping is still harmful, not "completely harmless" as you allege.


    However, they accept it as they consider it less harmful than traditional smoking - that's the only reason why they accept them. And they make clear that is also only under the conditions in the UK, where it is more regulated and does not have the other nasties found elsewhere such as the US, including cannabis. And in their jurisdiction they point out that ecigarettes are limited to those who are already using, or have used, tobacco. Hence it does not have the easy take up that can occur in other locations.


    So yes, even from the UK authorities it is considered harmful, and especially in the case of Celebrity ships where such vaping products are not exclusively from UK sales, so would invariably be worse than in a UK position statement, the penguins statement is correct and accurate.

    1. RCOP research resulted in citing 90% harm reduction. Which is quite substantial.

    2. Not sure where you come up with "More Regulated". I have been a business owner in the US for the last 12 years in this industry. We were among the first companies to export to the UK in 2014, to the largest UK chain EcigWizard.  So, those so called more regulated products were produced by my Company! 🙂

    3. You simply quote something you read online (Everything on the Interweb is true, right?) And what does Cannabis have to do with nicotine vapor products? Please, just stop! You know zero about our industry, regulation, advocacy, or harm reduction, other than what media tells you!

  6. 4 hours ago, the penguins said:

    We are Elite+, were very critical when X introduced compolsary AI ( now gone from all grades except Suites).

    Submitted a question (same one twice as X managed to lose all questions the first time around). 

    My Question was why did X ever consider allowing vaping in the Casino as it went against all medical advice. I haven't watched the whole Q and A but believe she confirmed Vaping proposal is gone but did not comment on why they even considered it.

    Vaping goes against who's medical advice? You live in the UK, which is the most progressive County in the world, when it comes to vaping. It's allowed in hospitals, products even sold in hospitals. The UK has done a good job in research with the Royal College of Physicians, compared to the US and the FDA. 2nd hand vapor, is nothing but water vapor. Completely harmless. Just as primary vaping is 95% harm reduction compared to combustible tobacco products.

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Shiba_Lover said:

    I think the thing a lot of people either don't see our don't want to see is this ... people keep talking about celebrity and listening to their loyal customers.  Well, here the thing.  They aren't.  They want NEW customers.  They don't care about the loyal customers.  Yes, traditionally, in business the goal is to keep your loyal customers.  They aren't doing that.  They want NEW ones.  They want a new market.  If we don't like it, we can move on.  If celebrity can still fill ships without us, they succeeded.  If not, they failed.  We either adapt and enjoy or find a cruise line more aligned with what we desire.  

    Not all of the loyal customers will defect. X had a percentage that don't care about cookiegate, canapes, and higher costs, or even less options in MDR. X will retain whatever percentage that is, because they fill a niche in the cruising travel segment.  For every drop out due to recent changes, there will be those that won't stop cruising X, because those changes aren't significant to them..
    For some reason human nature dictates, I'm not satisfied, so everyone else shouldn't be satisfied either. And if they are, they're wrong, not informed, or just not as experienced in the cruise travel circles. 🙂

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  8. 3 hours ago, sunlover33 said:

    One day you will be a dissenter when the ultra expensive cruise you booked and paid for has changed beyond all recognition when you finally board. Then you just may understand what the stuffy over expecting generation were trying to preserve. Until then enjoy what you have because it won’t last. 

    Nah, I speak with my wallet to Corporates, not venting online in forums. I'll quietly move on to something else for holiday travel.  While my wife and I enjoy cruises, most of our friends prefer resort destinations.  We don't live to cruise, though it's a pleasant distraction for down time currently.
    I used to attend every Chiefs home NFL game. Now, prefer to watch at home vs fighting the crowds for parking, beers, and restrooms. Our life continues to evolve, and I suspect cruising is just another phase for us.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Baggy178 said:



    That's what I told my teenage kids when they angling for one.

    Now in their mid-20s and ascending the greasy pole of employment they appreciate the advice.

    Listen, it's a free world and anyone can define their personality how they like.

    But there's a reason why my doctor, dentist, lawyer and accountant don't have tatts yet the fellers who empty my bins are all covered in them.


    Maybe the Doctor, Dentist, and Lawyer have them, just better planning at a young age on placement 🙂

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  10. 3 hours ago, Baggy178 said:


    It matters not to me whether a person wishes to live their lives looking like the cover of an Iron Maiden LP.

    Even if they're serving me a dry martini on a cruise ship.

    I just happen to think anyone who adorns their body with visible tatts or piercings suffers from low self-esteem and a desperate need for attention.

    Facial tattoos are particularly ugly whether they're on a prison gangbanger or a Pacific islander.

    But it's middle-aged and older people covered in visible tatts I feel particularly sorry for.

    You can forgive indiscretions of youth often under the influence of something or when facing peer pressure.

    But at their age they really should know better.

    Like an old biddy getting her bits out while sunbathing on a topless beach you just want to say " put them away love, you're fooling no-one."

    Or wanting to look like David Beckham and Messi. I mean they're very successful but neither of them are the sharpest knife in the drawer.



    You do realize tatts are kind of a permanent thing, and they stick with you into middle age and older? 🙂

    Depends how those bits are holding up also!

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  11. 11 minutes ago, hankandteri said:

    I tend to agree that this board isn’t representative of the broad customer base for Celebrity, but it’s not a tiny band of angry villagers storming the Miami HQ with torches and pitchforks either.


    I believe our roll call for next month’s cruise on Silhouette has upwards of 200 participants. That’s a significant chunk of the passengers who will be aboard, and I’m sure plenty of others are watching without participating. Some of us are chronic posters, but there are also plenty of lurkers here and on other social media sites who are digesting the discussion without chiming in.


    Despite what some may think, X can ill afford to alienate or take for granted a sizable chunk of their most engaged customers, and I think they are beginning to realize that. 




    But they can. And they will still fill sailings to capacity.  The small group of dissenters here think they are representing what the rest think. They aren't. There's a poster that has mentioned canopies a dozen times. 90% couldn't care less about canopies. We're the next generation of X. The stuffy over expecting last generation will move on. We're going to divide our cruises between VV and X. No or few kids, and fewer stuffy oldies every x cruise going forward. I've met some great people on X, they are too busy living to waste reading the drive here. I'm joining them, not you. I thought CC would be informational. Nope, just drama.

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  12. 9 minutes ago, D C said:

    Depends on how you define "blindly".  

    They've clearly made and implemented decisions when they either knew there would be an uproar, OR they made them NOT knowing there would be an uproar.  Neither speaks well for their understanding of their customer base. 

    X understands their customers. They also understand customer churn when implementing changes. The newer E class ships are designed to attract new customer segments.  There is a big niche between NCL/RCL type ships and high end ships.

    X will continue to run near capacity on E class sailings. I imagine the next class will be similar to E, continuing to expand the upper middle class offerings to 40+ couples that don't want floating amusement water parks.

  13. 4 minutes ago, wrk2cruise said:

    She kept implying they are listening to the customer.  Who were all these customers who were looking for vaping in the Casino?  I do appreciate that they listened to the overwhelming majority who want no vaping in the casino.  


    To me whomever they are listening to are not those "most loyal" customers they were talking to today.


    I agree that it was well scripted to "address" the concerns sent in.  I particularly like the cover for the butler change.  The example given was tea at 3 pm.  It was several years ago they discontinued in-room tea service and you need to go to the Lounge for tea.   Yes they say it can be requested but you will be informed that tea is in the lounge.  I'm sure if you push.....    They also couched the change as elevated service.   Oh wait the upper suites aren't offered this elevated service.


    Overall it was probably the best webinar they have done to date.  I'd like to see them do it 2-3 times per year to increase communication. 


    I also wish they would form a focus group of us "most loyal" customers (or any of their customers) to run some of these changes by before implementation.

    Do you really think cruise lines just blindly make business decisions that directly affect passengers?

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  14. 1 minute ago, NutsAboutGolf said:


    Spot on, damage control is a great way to put it.  To oversimplify it: "don't believe anything you read online, everything is fine".  Just wanted to comment I'm under the impression the IVs on the Edge 5 are here to stay as there would be a ton of expensive structural engineering required to REPLACE some IVs with traditional balconies.  However, perhaps there are some creative solutions such as ADDING an additional top deck that is exclusively traditional balconies

    We're trying an IV on 12/7 Ascent. Neither wife or I are sunbathing types, so the IV was intriguing to us. Not worried about the noise, or A/C as we both get up same time, and not heat sensitive.

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  15. 4 minutes ago, patty1955 said:

    Elite Plus here and we never got the email asking for questions.

    Now, we'll suffer from 100+ replies of people that didn't get selected, or didn't check their inbox thinking they didn't get selected. Life is tooooooooooooooooo short for the self inflicted mental anguish people generate! 🙂

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  16. 2 minutes ago, Jim_Iain said:


    I can only speak for myself but I nor any Zenith's I spoken to received a request for questions.


    I'm happy that you are so satisfied with your cruises but many of us aren't  and after 23 years of exclusive traveling Celebrity I made my first non-Celebrity Cruise last week.    I have also booked a second non-celebrity cruise.


    I only travel in suites so not concerned about potatoes

    Supply and Demand is the economics of business. I walk that fine line in my business also.
    The only metric that would cause X to revert any of these recent decisions is decreased number of paid passengers. Time will tell.

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  17. 3 minutes ago, gordylad said:

    Interesting answer regarding infinite veranda...."you either love them or hate them, personally I wouldn't book one because my husband likes a lie in and I like mornings so I can go out to my balcony and read"


    So Please stop building ships with these silly open windows you call infinite veranda

    They did mention they are evaluating the number of IV cabins for Edge #5 based on feedback.

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  18. 1 minute ago, Jim_Iain said:

    Laura also said numerous times --- we sent out request for questions to our most loyal customers and then --- and a question for a Select Member and Elite Member....   Maybe I didn't listen close enough but only heard one question from a Zenith Member - Andy - about Access to Retreat.   I don't think I heard a single one from an Elite Plus.

    Requests vs Responses are two different metrics. Maybe very few Zenith responded, even though they are the most loyal segment. They obviously selected questions that both fit their agenda, and addressed some of the chatter online. Whether they skewed the presentation on the answers is up for debate. I've personally never had an issue on any cruise I've been on. HAL/NCL/X 
    There's always something to dig at, if you are looking. But, I focus on enjoying the time away from my business, and not caught get caught up in worrying about how many times potatoes are served in the MDR. 🙂

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  19. 5 minutes ago, NutsAboutGolf said:

    X, do better with your food and increase the food budget.  You used to be known as the foodie brand, now you have to answer a bunch of questions about the reduction in food quality and selection


    Initially, I was happy they were taking some of what they call hot topics but in many cases, they were like politicians, answering only parts of the topic


    A few examples...

    Cookiegate: They answered something like they charged a fee to keep down the congestion and didn't do a good job communicating it.  That's only part of cookiegate as they simultaneously removed the free cookies from the Cafe.  While free cookies existed in the buffet (and reportedly while the fee cookie was for sale, not the chocolate chip flavor) with all of X's cutbacks, how long would the free buffet cookies last?  For what's worth, I'd be a fan of the fee cookies as long as the free cookies were available.  Not sure why they don't try fee cookies again but leave the free cookies in the cafe


    Why did AI change?  Something like to serve you better and we now allow Sail Only with Aqua...IMO, they dropped tips because, unlike wifi and drinks, it costs X the full price.  X has to pay the full tipping amount to the crew.   With wifi and the drinks, they sell them at "retail" prices but it costs them "wholesale" prices


    While there were some food questions asked, it was quite vague and shifty, "we removed some items but brought them back"...They eliminated the everyday items and added SOME of those items back on a rotational basis




    Drinks are more like manufacturer prices. Highest return of any consumable item.

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  20. 8 minutes ago, Spif Barwunkel said:

    Virgin Voyages certainly offers a specific brand of cruising to the masses, and that is a good thing. There is a cruising niche for everyone and if you find one that fits, enjoy it. I'm not sure that Virgin is firing its advertising guns solely at Celebrity and I know that any crossover passengers from X to V won't even be noticed. The double V's are new to the cruising world and I hope that Branson's latest endeavor does succeed. It will definitely take some time and money to fill those cups. So, to the X boo birds, support your local Virgin and have a good time.       

    Most of the X critics here just like to piss on everything. It must be a sad walk of life to endure for sure!

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