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Posts posted by regomcr

  1. I went in the Constitution, from Spain to NY, in July 1966. I was eleven years old. We were in 3rd class (I think) with loads of Italian immigrants who were going to Canada. I think the USA was making it harder to migrate there already. I made friends with an Italian boy, whose name, sadly, I don't remember, and we had a great time exploring the ship, sneaking into the first class decks where the swimming pool (or pools?) were. We played ping-pong which was a very funny game to play when the ship was bouncing up and down due to rough weather. We had a big storm in the middle of the Atlantic and they put ropes in all the corridors so people could hold on to something when getting from one place to another. It was so much fun for two kids running around. Dinner time was always exciting and very proper and, sometimes, the captain would sit at his table in his beautiful white uniform and we would all stare at him. I still have an ashtray from the Constitution with me.

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