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Posts posted by Clint1

  1. 44 minutes ago, CruiserBruce said:

    Major issue traveling with minors who you don't have custody or legal guardianship over. Yes you need to clarify the ID issues (I think for above 16 it's government issued photo ID AND official birth certificate,  under 16 its just the birth certificate), but you also need to clarify,  officially,  the legal custody issues. Your own daughter might need official,  documented approval from her mother, or legal proof the mother isn't in the picture or doesn't have any legal say in the matter.


    You definitely should NOT be just looking at this a week ahead of the cruise. This has disaster written all over it.

    What can be used for a government ID?  She does not have her license or learner permit.  Can she get a post office ID?  Or are there any other ID's we can get in a week?

  2. Hi,  I am taking my daughter and 2 friends to the Bahamas from New York and returning to NY next week.  My daughter is 15 and has only a birth certificate.  1 friend has her passport and is all set.  The other friend 17 and has only a birth certificate.  Will this work?  I am conflicted if the 17 year old needs a government ID as well as her birth certificate??  If she does, what ID can she get that will work in 1 weeks time?  Please help!  I am freaking out!!  Als, is my 15 year old daughter good with just her birth certificate?

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