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Very bummed

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Posts posted by Very bummed

  1. 3 hours ago, jimdee3636 said:

    What a terrible experience!


    I wouldn't give up on the potential travel insurance claim. There are of course many different types of travel policies out there, but most of them have some sort of trip interruption coverage. Fortunately, you're still in touch with many of the other passengers so maybe you can pool your knowledge and insights. 


    I had never heard of Variety Cruises before, but I see they're an American company, with offices in New York. Litigation is rarely a desirable option, but at least it's a possible one when you can sue a company in U.S. courts.


    Good luck. I hope you'll post any new developments on this board.



    Hi Jim...Thank you and yes, my travel insurance, Allianz, covered approximately $200 a day for 6 days. A drop in the bucket. Variety Cruises is based in Greece with offices in NY. We have written the Greek Coast Guard and await their response. Want to possibly file a claim with the company's insurance. Appreciate your support!

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  2. I was a passenger on Variety's boat, the PANORAMA II to French Polynesia that began in Tahiti on November 3rd 2023.  It's a relatively small ship... maybe 45 capacity and it wasn't full.
    This was a much anticipated trip for me it was to be my first cruise ever. I have been saving for a long time to afford the costs and the flights over from the East Coast, USA.
    The cruise was expected to end in Tahiti on November 13th 2023.  We embarked as promised but we spent only one night on the boat. On the morning of November 4th, we woke to find there was no electricity.  That meant among other things, that there were no lights, no use of toilets, no water and no kitchen services. And we were at sea.
    After an hour of this confusion, we were informed that the cruise was canceled.  We had to pack up and disembark immediately. We were ferried back to Tahiti and were told that Variety would refund us and would also pay for two nights in a hotel while we got our bearings.  We were then told that Variety would only pay for one hotel night.
    This was a very chaotic situation. We had to find our own accommodations on very short notice in a very expensive country during a very busy season. I was a solo traveler and this put me in a very precarious predicament.  I did not anticipate being financially on the hook for the nine days that followed.  This meant that I paid out of pocket for hotels, meals and all costs that would have been included in the cruise cost.  I chose to stay in the islands and try to make the best of a terrible situation. Changing my flights would have been so pricey and difficult.

    Because I purchased this cruise elsewhere, I was reimbursed immediately for the cost of the actual cruise. I also had expensive and extensive travel insurance and I submitted a claim.  To my dismay, it will not cover Panorama's mechanical problems despite there being a massive trip interruption.

    As of December 9, 2023, Variety has not communicated with me about compensating me for any of my expenses. They are 100% responsible for this trip interruption and it's been radio silence from them. However, not to fear... they have been very forthcoming with promises of discounts on a future cruise with their company.

    I am not alone with my anger and  disappointment. There are many other pasengers who are still extremely distressed by this situation.  We are in communication with each other. I cannot speak for anyone else but I am incredibly disappointed with this cruise company.

    I just want to be reimbursed for my unanticipated costs. If Variety comes forward with a reasonable offer that does not feel dismissive and insulting,  I will change my review.  But sadly...I am not hopeful.

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