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Posts posted by CLEMM

  1. You can also take a private water taxi anywhere you want to go, but expect to pay about 80-100 euros. And from the dock, you can take Alilaguna directly to St. Mark's Square for about 6-9 euros/pp. You don't mention if you are disembarking with luggage, but you can take it on Alilaguna and then walk to your hotel from there, which is what we did.



    We did this also, but it pays to remember that you will be dragging your luggage over bridges which will be very crowded with pedestrians. Doable for sure, but make sure you have wheeled luggage.

  2. So are you saying that if I ordered a beverage as part of this plan, and I decided that after drinking some of it, I was not going to finish it....it is stealing if my wife finishes the drink which I would have left to be thrown away?



    The original example using the cucumber, which I put out there, had the diner purposefully bring a piece of cucumber back from the salad bar for his wife. It seems the same to me but for some reason, because we are talking alcohol and not vegetables, it becomes a crime......which if you really sit back and think about it....is ridiculous. I am in no way suggesting is ok for one passenger to buy this plan then have 2 people spend the entire cruise double dipping BUT 1 or 2 drinks over the 7 days is entirely within reason.



    No, it is not within reason. It is stealing. Where would you say it starts to become wrong? 3? 4? 11? Wrong is wrong. If you can't afford to pay for your wife's 1 or 2 drinks then she should not be drinking.

  3. Who says the cucumber slice would be thrown away?? Wouldn't the next patron to the salad bar simply choose that cucumber slice??


    That cucumber slice was also not consumed by the purchaser and is of relatively simlar value to the overall price of the salad as one beer is to the overall price price of the drink package. One beer is equivalent to 1.72% of the overall price of the package.



    The cucumber would be thrown away because it was already on the plate of the person who paid. That is the comparison that the poster was using. Read the post I was quoting.

  4. Please feel free to jump off your soap box whenever you are ready! It is disturbing to me that you sit yourself on such a high pedestal and judge others so acrimoniously. The rambling psychobable is moderately amusing but has a modicum of hypocrisy sprinkled throughout. Please save your sanctimonious squalor for someone and somewhere else. It really has no place on a blog about Cruises and Cruise boats. Find a more suitabe forum. Lastly, the drinks have been paid for, therefore nothing is being stolen. No different than buying a plate at an all-you-can-eat salad bar and giving your wife a slice of cucumber off your plate. Are you supposed to do that?? No! Is it a stealing?? No! Is it a crime?? Definitely not!!! Find some perspective jg...you cant' paint everything with one large sweeping brush stroke.


    I couldn't find myself able to defend people who ignored the dress code, but STEALING! There is no excuse for out and out stealing. A cucumber slice that would have been thrown away anyway is a ridiculous comparison to a drink that was NOT paid for because it was not consumed by the purchaser. PERIOD.

  5. What if you purchase a drink for you, and then, say 10-15 minutes later, you go back for another drink. Does that work? Or are you limited as to the number of drinks you order every day. For example, one could order a beer for oneself, and a few minutes later, order a specialty coffee that you could let your partner drink??? Or if you order a drink and bring it to your cabin, who would know who drinks it??? Does it make sense?


    In theory I suppose that would work, because as far as I know there is no limit. But it would be stealing and I for one would not want to ruin my cruise by feeling guilty or worrying that someone would find out. Smuggling wine on board is one thing, but out and out stealing is just wrong.

  6. ALL drinks, whether alcoholic or not, costing $8 or less per serving are included in the Classic [Alcoholic] Package.

    ALL non-alcoholic drinks costing $8 or less are included in the Classic Non-Alcoholic Package.

    I'm very confused. Sparkling waters, smoothies, and red bulls cost less than 8 dollars a glass but these are not included in the classic package. And what about hot chocolate? That is listed as a specialty coffee and therefore not included in the classic package. Can anyone clarify this?

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