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Posts posted by magpat

  1. Just happened to read your post and wanted to wish you good luck with your cancer treatment. I have two very close friends who had very little hope of recovery with their types of cancer and both are well and thriving after their chemo, so embrace your chemo therapy, it is a chance for you to get well! Your hair will grow back! Just stay positive, and my prayers are with you.

  2. I wanted to I tell the story of my husband's grandmother who was 98 when she died. We went to visit her one year ( she lived 3,000 miles away) and when we were leaving she asked me if we were coming back for her funeral. I said that wouldn't be for a long time. She was healthy and walking and had all her faculties. Not even hypertention .pills for this lady! Not an aspirin! About 2 weeks later my mother in law called and said her mother announced in 10 days she was going bye bye. My mother in law said "I'll come with you" and grandma said "Where I'm going you can't come". Within a few days she was on her deathbed.. I booked our trip back to Florida knowing we were going to her funeral. After all, she did ask us to come. As her whole family gathered around her one of her grandaughters, a doctor herself, kept saying that grandma's vital signs were still strong, but by the afternoon, she had peacefully slipped away surrounded by all those who loved her. Of course, that was on the 10th day! I remember that as being one of the most beautiful days. In the limo on the way to the funeral her granchildren and great granchildren sang songs she used to sing to them.

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