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IzzBizz's Gran

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Posts posted by IzzBizz's Gran

  1. Thanks for your reply Joanne. I felt like the one other post was a little ........ well, I'm not sure of the word I'm looking for. The post really didn't offer any of what I would consider good advice.


    SusieQusie, I know it sounded harsh, but eating disorders are nasty things to deal with. I've been overweight , okay, I'll say it obese, most of my life and just within the last year seem to be getting a handle on it. Part of it was finally coming to the realization that if I didn't lose a lot weight I wasn't going to be around much longer. I figured out that there were more important things , i.e. my granddaughter, than consuming an huge bag of Butterfingers or whatever else I thought I had to have to be happy.

    I truly hope that your loved one gets to go with you on your vacation and more importantly is able to overcome his/her addiction to food. I know my struggle with food will be a lifelong battle and this is one war I want to win.



    Again, I did not wish to sound mean, but sometimes it truly is hard to confront reality.

  2. Catchy title, huh? OK - I'm just gonna put this out there: Anyone ever cruised with someone with an eating disorder? Not going to say much more on the subject yet - curious if anyone has any information to offer. Thanks -


    I know you don't want to go into details, but what are we talking about here.

    Bulimic, well you might want to give your room steward a heads up so he won't think that the infamous Norovirus is aboard and in one of his cabins. You might want to bring a heavy duty air freshner for use in the bathroom so the stench of upchuck doesn't overpower the entire room.

    Anorexic, well you might want to let the wait staff know that you love the food, but just don't eat a lot. If you don't they will be bringing piles and piles of food for you to try.

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