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Posts posted by bisbee

  1. Its not an auto correct but there is a very good chance I have spelt it wrong. Its like a very posh blazer made of out suit material. I asked my hubby he can't spell it either ;p

    Thanks...the Internet doesn’t know what it is! 😜🤪

  2. I doesnt thrill me that they got rid of the formal nights on the X

    that said, I now always go and just do me, so this means on all Chic (stupid name) nights I wear my formal attire, my hubby doesnt follow suit and wear a tux but he he will either wear a suit or dress trousers and a barafia. I do not feel out of place and in fact have had it said to me that people who wear just a cocktail dress feel more out of place and underdressed, more so then we are over dressed.

    I never Bring jeans with me and my husband would never dream of wearing shorts of an evening.

    I do wish the Crew were more strict on dress code, and seeing people coming into dinner wearing shorts does irk me. I don't get why some people pay all this money to come on a cruise to then give out it is too formal, the whole experience was always formal and dressy it is a shame that these companies have given in to the few and lowered the tone.

    Don't shoot me down please it is just my opinion.


    Just curious...what is a barafia? I looked it up but can’t find it...is that an auto-correct invention?

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