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Posts posted by epal

  1. On 8th December my Mum and Dad will set sail to renew there vowels after 60 years . They have purchased the package and will have a small group of friends (4) to see them, my mum has had a special dress made and shipped from the UK and they are both looking forward to this special day. I do hope princess will make it so special and take lots of photos for them

  2. Thanks for all your replies I have tried many different preps for seasickness and yes the side affects are almost as bad as the problem I still love cruising and have always gone midship , the bonnie prep is new and may try to percure it over the net as it is not available here in Oz thanks once again

  3. Have suffered from seasickness I wonder why would Princess put the Grand Suit at the aft of the ship , or am I mistaken in believing that mid ship feels less movement, I am interested and eager to here from people's experiences. Thank for your help

  4. Thanks for your help , and I'll have to explain before he/they go they'll be celebrating there diamond wedding anniversary, on the diamond princess , renewing there vows and all:) I would have loved to have been ther but that's another story once again thanks

  5. Hi , haven't sailed since drinks package s came in and I'm sure this has been asked before . My father , who's very old school would in the past if sitting with someone would offer to buy a drink for all at table and consider this to be only good manners in doing so how would they charge this to his account.


    Thanks for your help it may save him some embarrassing moments when he travels in Dec

  6. I'm sad to say I never made the journey my parents and us four Kids flew in Aug.1969 we had an dogs hind leg of a trip I would have loved to have sailed but had no say (only 9yrs )I do envy you it would have been great I would one day like to sail back to England I've got to find the most terrific deal:)

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