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Posts posted by Royalco

  1. Just returned from a 15 night cruise aboard the Marina. Yes, Lobster tails in the Terrace Cafe and surf and turf sandwich (hamburger topped with a peice of grilled lobster) in Waves. You can request lobster on a bun without the burger. But, don't forget the whole Maine lobster in the Polo Grille and if you like, they will remove the shell for you. Best lobster I ever had. Also, in Polo, you can get surf and turf (Filet Mignon and a lobster tail). Lobster is available in all of the specialty restaurants. However, don't pass up the opportunity to have rack of lamb or the fantasatic veal chop in Toscana. And, don't miss having a steak or prime rib in the Polo Grille. It's all a "prime" grade beef. Luckily, I gained only 6 and 1/2 pounds.

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