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Posts posted by Cwusinbunny

  1. we were also on the fantasy on Halloween - there was really very little for the kids - the deck party was pretty lame...stewards delivered candy first thing in the AM...no parade....the kids were rather let down ... a lot of folks went through a TON of trouble with costumes which was quite cool - but again, there wasn't a whole lot - even in the kids programs. I expressed my disappointment with disney and my response was pretty much an oh well...

  2. Well, I've been dreaming of a disney cruise since my little girl (now 7) was born. We are a working class family - don't have a big house, two income family out of necessity not for 'extras' - I have been doing online surveys and focus groups for 6 years - putting every penny away...and we had our dream cruise last october - it was amazing and worth every penny.


    There are things that disney provides that no other line can: the best and most extensive kids program afloat. There is a quality that just isn't there on the other lines - from the facilities, to the counselors, to the activities, and the hours/availability....


    So that is how I did it....prior to kids DH and I have been on many cruises, and even though it would be somewhat (not a whole lot) cheaper...Disney is just the best for kids...I started doing surveys as soon as we got home - it may be another six years, but that is fine. I don't need concierge, or cabanas or dinner at Remys - I just need to get away from life's stresses and be with my husband and kids...

  3. Just my opinion, but if your little girl is in the pool, I would stay in the pool with her .... too many drownings, near drownings. The pools get very crowded, and it doesn't take much for a little one to get lost in a pool....when we go anywhere with water, we are never more than an arm's length from our kids....

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