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Posts posted by clawsoncrew

  1. Sounds like we are basically doing the same thing.


    I don't have enough motivation to do the exercise DVD route and with the 2 kiddos I will use the gym as a "mommy escape" lol


    Since you know about the Smart One's meals may I recommend my favorite frozen meal....its the lean cuisine Turkey Breast & Veggie (Green beans w/roasted red peppers). It is great! I am a very picky eater and that's the one meal I can eat, get full and stay satisfied.


    I hadn't heard about the lose it application... I'll have to download that.


    What I have started is:

    Breakfast: Yoplait light n fit Greek yogurt

    Snack: fruit/veggie or cheese stick

    Lunch: lean cuisine or some sort of protein & veggie

    Snack: fruit or veggie

    Dinner: usually chicken or fish & veggie or salad.


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  2. Hi Susie,


    I will email you tomorrow. My email address is theclawsoncrew@Gmail.com


    Gastric bypass was all fine and dandy at first but the long term effects have really messed my whole body up. I don't absorb nutrients very well which has led to horrible anemia requiring iron infusions every 6-8 weeks. I also have real problems with hypoglycemia.


    Its a daily battle.


    WTG for going to the gym today! I have to wait till 6/16 to be able to go back to the gym (membership restarts). What "diet" are you following?


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  3. Hi!!


    My name is Jo. I am 33 and want to lose approx 40-50lbs before our cruise in November.


    My weight has been a huge battle ever since 5th grade. Finally in 2007 (after many failed weight loss attempts) I had gastric bypass (worst decision of my life). I lost 120lbs after bypass but after I had DD 2 yrs ago I haven't been able to shed the rest of it (I'm 180 now).


    I could really use a cyber weight loss buddy and would do my best to keep you motivated, empowered and focused on our goal! :)


    I would love to hear from you!


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