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Posts posted by Irishvisions

  1. I'm thoroughly enjoying your memoir. I told my cruise buddies about it and now they're hooked too. We're all from Southern Maryland and are looking forward to our Sept cruise to New England. You've given us many good pointers, that's for sure. Can't wait to order some Indian food. Had no idea that was an option for us. Thank you so much for doing this for us all!

  2. Office Depot has a great price on a really nice small magnetic hiteboard perfect for cruising! It is 8.5" X 11" and has a magnrtic pen and 2 extra magnets for paper notes. It is normally $10 and is on sale for $3 this week! I picked one up to put on our cabin door for our upcoming cruise to stay connected to our other friends on the same cruise!


    Are the cabin doors metal? I didn't think they were...but if they are, this is a great idea! Especially if you're traveling with other people.

  3. Dollar Tree and similar stores sell plastic hooded rain ponchos one or two per pack for $1 (obviously). These are GREAT for travel, outdoor concerts, any outdoor events. Much more convenient that hauling around a raincoat, umbrella, etc., and they can just be thrown away when you are done (no dealing with a drippy umbrella or damp coat). Lightweight and take up very littel space in the luggage. I'm throwing in several for our Canada cruise in June.

    We used these once during a rainstorm at a theme park and people were constantly stopping to ask where they could buy one. We proudly told them we'd bought them at the dollar store and brought them along. And we noticed the gift shop was selling disposable ponchos for $15.


    Excellent suggestion. We do the same thing and have had the same sort of response when the rain started pouring and everyone was running around paying top dollar for disposable ponchos.

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