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Posts posted by Piton1

  1. It's an oxymoron. Or may that should be - it's an oxy, moron! But then I'm not sure what an oxy is. My brain hurts - the buzzing has come back and the voices are starting up again.


    You should have a drink! Since this is the Pol Acker thread I would be drinking beer, maybe even out of a bucket.



  2. Ooooooooooooooooooohhh!!!!!


    We're hypenated now are we?


    Normal surnames not good enough for you now?

    Next you'll be accompanying Mrs Parker-Bowles-Windsor-Battenburg-Saxe-Coburg to launch our new ship.



    I think you'll find Mrs Parker-Bowles-Windsor-Battenburg-Saxe-Coburg will be accompanying me.


    If you can manage to substitute a bottle of Pol Acker at the christening then the Vicky would be truly blest, unless she sinks of course.



  3. I think it is a frenchman's idea of a joke. Really, with all the word games going on in the various threads I started thinking of the Acker. Maybe it is really P.O. Lacker, which really means lacquer-a clear varnish consisting of

    shellac or gum resins dissolved in alcohol.



  4. Yes. If worn by a lady at the front, it would be a tit-tie.


    When worn by a Tuscan on the face, it would be an eye-tie. When worn by one hundred Tuscan darts players, it would be 100 and eye-tie.


    Estate agents of course wear real-ties. Except British ones, who wear Bligh-tie.





    I need a Mai-Tai now!



  5. I don't know why they provide Pol Acker when WD-40 is SO much cheaper and more effective. If they could toss in a roll of duct tape...


    You know, if it doesn't move and it should, use WD-40. If it DOES move and it shouldn't, use duct tape.


    WD-40 is flammable which brings me back to post # 3 of this thread.


    The duct tape could be used as a preventive device such as covering one's mouth. :eek:



  6. :rolleyes:


    Hey - its from the QE2 & she is retiring - there has got to be a market surely ;) - by the time they find out what it really is, money would have changed hands ;)





    I think you should put it up for sale on ebay.:eek:



  7. I have seen it mentioned many times on this board as something like a sparkling grape juice mixed with mouth wash. Is it alcoholic? A champagne knock off? Thanks, just want to know what to expect!


    Go to the hardware store and buy a 3 foot rubber hose. Go to your car and remove the gas cap. If you are smoking hold the cigarette off to the side. Don't put it out. Put one end of the hose down into your gas tank.

    Put your mouth on the other end and draw the gasoline up into your mouth. Swill it around for several seconds. Now you are at a crossroad in your life. Do you swallow, spit the gas out or just end it all with the cigarette?



  8. I am unable to understand the obsession with "Lobster Night" on a cruise ship. I can hardly believe there is a gigantic tank full of thousands (because that's how many passengers there are) of live lobsters toodling along the seas nervously awaiting their fate. Most likely they are pre-cooked and frozen and reheated at service.


    Why in the world would anyone be excited and anticipating this? A frozen, dried-out crustacean produced in a mass-market manner?


    Why in the world would this be a "feature" of Formal Night, as I usually eat my lobster in a tee shirt and jeans because it's going to go all over the place? Do you get a bib for your tuxedo?


    When I want a good lobster I go to the local fishmonger and take it home and cook it myself. I might even drink a delicious Colt 45 with it. But at least I know my lobster is FRESH!

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