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Posts posted by jgmann

  1. Just to update the thread:


    I purchased a Canon 7D Mark II and 70-200 f2.8L IS II Lens at the Royal Caribbean Camera store at Havensight Mall (at the Crown Bay Pier) a couple of weeks ago. I got a great deal on the items (saving about $300 off US retail). When I mentioned that I needed a US Warranty, the salesperson showed me the US/Canada Warranty card for the camera body. I didn't have him open the lens box. When I happened to unseal the lens box a few days later, I realized that the lens had a Latin-America Warranty inside.


    I was planning on sending the lens back under Carnival's vendor guarantee program, but I decided to call Canon USA first. Canon USA told me that they will honor the warranty, and they registered my lens with Canon USA. Now any repairs can go to the SoCal repair center instead of through the Canon Latin America division. Whew!


    Basically, it is a "Buyer Beware" situation. Make sure you see the warranty cards for every item (my mistake for not having him show me the other card). Fortunately Canon is pretty good about helping customers get Gray-market warranty repairs. If buying Nikon, it would be best to only buy the US Warranty versions based on my recent research.


    For those of you that don't know about the difference between US and International (AKA Gray-market), the items are physically identical and manufactured at the same facilities, however the are obtained by the dealer using non-USA distribution channels. There is nothing illegal or unethical with the items or the method of purchase. It just means that you may not be able to utilize the US or Canadian Repair stations if you need an item fixed. Do a Google search for some up-to-date articles about these products and the risks associated with a Gray-market purchase.


    Happy cruising!

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