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Posts posted by Bethee99

  1. :) Just wondering if anyone has been to Alaska on a cruise? My DS wants us all to go to Alaska for our next cruise. I do not like the cold so I am not sure this is going to be for me. He says it will be beautiful and I will really enjoy it. Any thoughts? :rolleyes:


    I did a few summers ago. I enjoyed it a lot. I'm a total Southern California beach girl so anything below 65 is freezing but I still liked it! It actually wasn't all that cold except when were near the glaciers. I have very little body fat and was wearing uggs, gloves, ski jacket and jeans and was cold! However there was a family next to me from like Michigan in shorts and laughing at me. So I guess it's all relative to what you are used to! But they had lots of hot cocoa on the decks!


    It was even warm enough to lay out by the pool a few days! Hiking was amazing and we spent an extra 4 or so days doing an inside land excursion after the cruise. That was super neat. When we went we had great weather but there was a fire or something inland so a lot of animals were hiding so didnt see very much wild life which was a bummer!


    I would say go for it! Totally different from a Caribbean cruise but still very fun.

  2. Do you think you could use the ICBINB spray and take some of the calories out of the butter, but get better coverage?


    You are actually better off with butter. Those fake foods are actually really bad for you. In fact any margarine is not good. Try real butter or whipped organic butter.

    Or pan fry it in a little EVOO.

  3. B/c a banana or apple would have had me starving by the time I got done walking all over campus taking pictures. I haven't even had a chance to drink my latte today. I didn't have anything else with me and other options were just as bad or no available. I could have chosen the 10 other pastries that were in the case that were high in sugar and fat. But I went with what I thought was the best choice. I don't think I was wrong.


    Just a FYI for the future a bagle and cream cheese is actually worse than a pastry. So you basically would be better off with a doughnut. Kinda funny huh?


    Also, an apple is filled with fiber and a banana has energy so it would have kept you fuller and filled with engery compared to a bagel.

  4. Didn't qualify? I didn't know that could happen.


    I tried it just for fun to see what my points would be and I didn't "qualify" either. Said I was under their healthy weight. So I guess that is how you don't qualify.


    But Brooke 2500 seems like a lot of calories. I bet if you went down to 1800, which is still a good amount, you would start to lose fast.

  5. Maybe it is time to get professional help. I know you stated before that you can't take time off work but your health is more important. If you went to an eating disorder center for a few weeks they could help and find the reason for your over eating. Your health is way more important than your job!

  6. Brooke from your last post it sounds like you are in the right direction! I'm surprised you arent seeing better results!


    Now have you tried an in-house treatment center? Like a place you stay for a few weeks and they teach you how to cook/ eat and exercise? I think most insurance groups would cover a stay so it might not cost you all that much.

  7. I totally agree with the above people too :)


    I guess you would say I'm a lurker too. I've been reading for a little while but never posted before.


    Money really isn't an issue. A lifestyle change is. I'm coming from the other end of the weight issue. Dont have an eating disorder but just always been thin.


    As a skinny girl here is some advice: I almost never go out not because of money but because eating out is fatty. They load food with extra fats to make them taste better. And I really never ever go out for fast food. Can't even remember the last time I ate McDonald's or Burger King!


    Water! Basically the only thing I drink ever. I was a diet coke drinker for awhile but gave it up several months ago. Really hard the first few weeks but now I'll have a small sip and don't even like the taste anymore.


    Exercise basically everyday plus I'm always on my feet any ways.


    I eat small meals. I really can't eat a lot at a time. Plus when I eat a big meal I feel gross. Now I'm not a big veggie eater but I eat fruit. I try to eat healthy but still love cookies and ice cream. Just only eat a small amount!


    I never eat late at night.


    Basically there is no such thing as a diet. It's a lifestyle change! If you want to lose weight AND keep it off you can never go back!


    Just remember: water water water, no processed/fried foods! Stay clear of fast food, eat small meals, exercise everyday! Even if that means walking your neighborhood for an hour instead of watching tv.


    Good luck! And you can do it! But you have to want it and try hard! And remember don't think of it as a diet but the new normal!

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