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Posts posted by psynurse

  1. Will be ending Princess 21 day cruise in Singapore. Opinions on to fly to Hong Kong for 3 nights, or continue home back to NJ? Not sure if will be exhausted since return home over 18 hours, or if sites would be so different from rest of SEAsia? Anyone do this previously? or Opinions needed. thanks,

  2. Will be ending Princess 21 day cruise in Singapore. Opinions on to fly to Hong Kong for 3 nights, or continue home back to NJ? Not sure if will be exhausted since return home over 18 hours, or if sites would be so different from rest of SEAsia? Anyone do this previously? or Opinions needed. thanks,

  3. Want to fly from EWR to Singapore next Dec 2019. Then Singapore to Hong kong and back to EWR after few days. Anyone know when fllights can be booked for this? And, will premium economy be ok for long flight? Appreciate any info

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