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Posts posted by edavide

  1. Had Queen Vic TransAtlantic 17th March cancelled by Cunard on 14th March by phone from Southampton (we were already in Florida)


    Filed for refund on 3rd April - TAKING A SCREEN GRAB OF THE CUNARD ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SCREEN - VITAL!!! - No other communication from them since


    Waited 60 days, then 60 WORKING days (they were supposed to be busy...!)


    After 60 WORKING days got on to our card company who immediately raised a dispute with Cunard and have credited ALL my money paid. - which was actually booked and paid onboard a previous cruise!!

    It is VITAL to take a screen grab of the Refund Application acknowledgement or else Insurers or credit card companies will have no proof that you have applied for a refund for them to progress.  There is a way to get back to that page if you use Google Chrome as a browser by searching browsing history!!


    We are both DOUBLE Diamond Cunarders and Cunard shareholders (ooops!!) and having to resort to this action demonstrates all too clearly that Cunard don't appear to be concerned about loyalty to their most loyal customers




    There are other cruise lines


    About time they woke up to that fact!!

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  2. 52 minutes ago, turnip eater said:

    We flew out using Avios (frequent flyer points), plus American Express 2for1 ticket.

    So we’ve booked our flight back Monday evening, beating any ban😳. Heard nothing from Cunard. I know we didn’t book a fly cruise, but why state they will contact us and not do so, knowing that we are already here, having spoken to them before leaving UK, another rhetorical question. Anyway we’ve been out on the inland water way river taxi sightseeing, nearest that we’re going to get to a cruise for now. Down by the pool enjoying a second Mojito, cheers.🥤


    52 minutes ago, turnip eater said:

    We flew out using Avios (frequent flyer points), plus American Express 2for1 ticket.

    So we’ve booked our flight back Monday evening, beating any ban😳. Heard nothing from Cunard. I know we didn’t book a fly cruise, but why state they will contact us and not do so, knowing that we are already here, having spoken to them before leaving UK, another rhetorical question. Anyway we’ve been out on the inland water way river taxi sightseeing, nearest that we’re going to get to a cruise for now. Down by the pool enjoying a second Mojito, cheers.🥤

    They called on my mobile / cell....   presume yours is switched on...  not being funny but with the time difference mine was on "do not disturb"... only picked up because i happened to see it calling!!

  3. 2 hours ago, turnip eater said:

    Yes, that’s what we’ve done in the last 10 minutes.....can’t depend on Cunard contacting us here in Fort Lauderdale. So now we have a plan! 😊

    In Ft Lauderdale... received call from Southampton.  Cunard organising a flight for us as we booked a fly cruise package with them in U.K. ...  not certain when or what airline...  would make sense for them to charter a plane to get us all home in one go... did you fly out as part of a Cunard fly cruise?  If not your fliggt cost must be met by your insurere i guess

  4. If the ship is in code red then they will be taking precautions for at least the first few days

    There are probably people that were on the previous cruise still onboard as many pax will do B2B on a cruise of this itinerary

    Yes they could close the spa & the bars & maybe just confine everyone to their cabins until they are sure there are no more problems


    Cheerleader maybe or just common sense


    We were on the previous segment from Bali to Honolulu...!!!


    The ship (eventually!!) went into Code RED about four days out of Honolulu though we could see the warning signs another four days previously.....


    We could get NO ANSWERS from the medical staff, and the dreaded "N" word was not mentioned....


    The "lockdown" deepened with late / overnight corridor fumigation, closure of the Laundry, Card Room, Library and a noticeable lack of staff.... (all off duty due to sickness????!!!!)


    Table setting in the restaurants stopped in Maui.... denials of the "N" word continued until the day we walked down the gangway in Honolulu!


    in all we were surprised (though gratified!!) to be allowed to disembark the US port of Honolulu in such a state! and even more pleased to get off the ship in Honolulu to a better organised health regime, leaving tales of over 90 "N" "victims" under the complimentary care of the ship's overworked Medical Centre which had previously billed a close colleague at the rate of around $3000 a day for medical care... a good reason not to report early symptoms earlier.....


    Boarding in Bali we reported a non functioning sanitiser at the bottom of the gangplank and later another (during the Code RED on Deck 9 which took 2 days to be rectified despite repeated reminders of its failure!


    We even "heard" that the boarding passengers in Honolulu would be delayed by the situation......!


    The words "DUTY OF CARE" and "NEGLIGENCE" are rapidly rising to the surface...!


    Despite the crisis, EVERYONE remained polite and friendly and, above all, professional, for which I compliment the company... and I still consider Oceania as a top end cruise experience....

  5. On Riviera just now and noticed a neighbouring cabin (which is occupied) is now sealed with red tape across the door. This was used previously for those quanrantined/identified with Norovirus. Is this used for other reasons and , if so, what?


    Having a great cruise and sorry to think there might be a problem for anyone on board, but concerned as to possible reasons.



    Well they had better hurry up and get this sorted out.......


    we are boarding on Sunday in Rome for a week.....


    Norovirus is vile to suffer from... and disruptive to have on board....


    or maybe it is just the abundance of lobsters......


    Can someone on board please find out for us...????


    Go and ask someone!



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