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Posts posted by Croozin'

  1. We didn't have a balcony on our recent first cruise, but I remember looking at the balconies and wondering why you would ever *wink wink nudge nudge* there as everyone would be able to see. Unless you are into that sort of thing - my husband would like to try, but no way. When we went up a ladder to another deck we could see everything - even inside the room as the curtains were pulled back.

  2. While I can't comment on cruising in particular (we're just about to head out on our first one!), I have travelled extensively and lived abroad. I've found a few things can cause me to get sick:


    Being flat-out busy in the lead up (usually with work) (worse was my honeymoon - sick on the 3rd day of our 6 days away. Worked a heap of overtime in order to get time off for the wedding, worked right up to the day before which was a public holiday. Completely crashed on the HM)


    Change in climates/temperatures etc


    Eating habits - when you travel, normal eating patterns can go out the window


    Crossing multiple time zones


    Washing hands is good - I especially do it before meals; and I now travel with a backup supply of things like nasal spray and soft tissues just in case I start coming down with something.

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