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Posts posted by Ellya

  1. We just returned from Roatan on the Legend. Having read so many positive reviews of Victor Bodden's tours, we arranged for a driver for the day for $25 each. We had a party of six, so we requested it be private. We had no problem finding the group of Victor's guides just over the crest of the hill. Victor send very good directions regarding meeting prior to our sailing.


    Our guide was Francisco, Victor's brother. He was very friendly and gave a nice tour, informative without going overboard. He took us to several tourist resorts to see the sights but also to many local neighborhoods and viewpoints. We had asked for some local shopping so he included two points with local vendors.


    We chose to zipline and visit with the monkeys. The zipline was not as scary as some and the guides were fun and careful. Everyone had a good time, even those of us who are nervous nellies! If you are worried, you can have a guide tandem zip with you and you just enjoy the view!


    The monkeys were so much fun, really one of the highlights of the trip. Listen to the guide regarding how to interact and you will have a lot of fun. They will grab for hats, glasses, jewelry etc., so if that worries you leave them outside! The monkeys clearly enjoyed the interaction! They also had several other native wildlife to observe such as a lemur, deer, parrots, toucan. This was included in the zip line tour and a nice bonus!


    We had a short port time in Roatan, so we did not have as much time at the beach as we might have liked (wish Carnival would make it a longer stop!). We went to West Bay Beach and walked in the water a bit, but no time for swimming or lunch. If we had more time I would have like to have lunch there or enjoy the beautiful swimming area.


    So, I would not hesitate to use Victor Bodden Tours again. We had one of our most enjoyable days with Francisco!

  2. We ate at El Fero as well, and when I inquired regarding the water used to prepare the raw vegetables the owner became very rude and abusive to us. I was very polite and in no way meant to offend, but I assume from his defensive response that the food there is prepared with unpurified water (since he never answered my question amidst all the insults). I would never recommend that anyone eat there no matter how good it tastes. It could certainly be coincidence, but all of the us suffered intestinal upset for many days following our visit there. I wish now that we had just left the restaurant without eating.

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