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Posts posted by Spuzzum

  1. We just returned from cruise to Antarctica and had great weather the day we got to the Falklands, as my understanding the cruise before us could not get in due to the weather. We used Estancia excursions to go to volunteer point. Our driver Gary had a great sense of humour. You must book early as they only allow so many vehicles to go out. I think I booked a year out. There is no deposit needed. Do know that it is a 2 hour drive out there the first hour paved road and gravel the last hour is off road,

    over very rough terrain in a 4x4. It was a slow process as we zigzagged and went up and down through some very deep ruts. I thought my head was going to fall off. We were not looking forward to the repeat journey home. I was glad I had made the trip but not sure I would do again. The penguins were amazing and although you can’t step into the rookery, they waddle out and walk along side of you or cross your path. We saw penguins with their egg, and newly hatched penguins. The king penguins and gentoo are what we saw. Both having a large circle rookery. 

  2. Making memories now, I hope this does not turn into a double post as I can’t see the one I just sent you.

    We just came back from a med cruise in May, we used a new service called bus X80 it is an express bus to Athens. It is right outside the cruise ship terminal in parking lot. A 2 min walk. It goes to both terminals. We were in terminal B. There is a ticket office right there by the bus. 4.50 Euros for a daypass. Which is good on other transportations for the day. We talked with driver and he made sure we got off at the Acropolis stop, which is just before Hadrians Arch and pointed out where to catch the bus back on the other side of the street.

    You cross to other side of road and walk straight up the pedestrian walkway. The ticket office for the Acropolis is about a 10 min walk up the walkway. Lots of restaurants along the way.

    It was so easy to do and we are a group of old people😊

    We were off the boat I think by 7:30 and we beat the crowds, it was great, the bus was sitting there.

    You can google BusX80.

    The museum was excellent and it is almost across the street from the Acropolis ticket office.

    You should also try and get your son up to see the changing of the guard in Syntagma square. They change every hour and is quite the show.

    We walked there from the Acropolis. Took us a little over 20 min. Ask for directions. We had to ask several times along the way but you could try and find a bus that would take you there and use your day pass you bought.

  3. We just recently returned from a cruise on Celebrity Reflections and used AAI, all around Italy, for our transfers to and from the cruise ship. We booked for 6 and had ample room for all our luggage, one couple was staying at a different hotel but there was no issue going and picking them up at no extra charge. We had Fabrizio drive us and he kept us in stitches with his running commentary.

    Upon disembarkation, we had Fabrizio pick us up. It is a bit of a zoo coming off the ship but Fabrizio was there waiting for us so was an easy

    process getting out of the port. We had decided to stay overnight in Fiumicino before flying home. I booked our transfer as a tour/transfer from cruise ship to Fiumicino. We went to Civita di Bagnoregio and Orvieto.

    It was a great tour with Fabrizio taking us on the back roads to see the country side. Fabrizio gave us ample time to explore C.d.Bagnoregio which was an amazing place to see sitting on top of a mountain. It was a bit of a walk up but even the one person with mobility issues, walks with a cane, made it up. Then it was off to Orvieto, Fabrizio took us to get our tickets for the cave/ tunnel visit. Only 3 of us went the other 3 wandered around the town and had lunch. Well we certainly were impressed with the cave tour. Should warn you there are a lot of stairs.

    Fabrizio also took us to another walled town of which I can’t remember the name. He explained the town to us and showed us the amazing view of country side and then gave us time to explore the town.

    When we got to Fiumicino the one couple found they did not have a reservation due to their credit card being compromised just prior to the trip. Fabrizio was very good at waiting till they booked into another hotel and then drove them to their accommodation.

    It was most enjoyable dealing with Fabrizio and highly recommend his service.

  4. Thanks again Heather.

    The north side of station, would that be the entrance we would want to go in?

    We were planning on catching the 4pm bus back, hope the shuttle would still be running. I don't want to be one of those people running down the dock to catch the boat.


  5. Thanks Heather, we all ready have a goodwill guide that we are trying to meet in Kanazawa at 9:30 am but I know some one who might be interested in your friend. I will let her know if that is ok.

    I will watch for your post. Because we are on a tight time frame it would be nice to know as much as possible before we get to Toyama


  6. Has anyone taken the Ainokaze Toyama railway from the Takaoka Station to Kanazawa. Would you have any idea from which entrance you would enter and what platform you would take? How large is the station?I have found very limited info on that station.

    We are on a tight schedule. Our ship does not dock till 8 am and I understand it is a 25 min trip to station. We are trying to catch the 8:59 train. Have we enough time to get there and find the correct train? I understand we can use suica cards so would not have to fiddle with ticket machine. There is no transferring required at this time slot.

    The next train isn't till an Hour later.

  7. I did check the site and it shows the areas covered up, with one being the main gate. It is an expensive site to take a tour to so don't want to get out there and find we can't see much.

  8. We did 8 days pre-cruise in Japan prior to our Celebrity Millennium cruise in October 2015. We love Japan and the Japanese people.


    You can find your way from either airport, public transportation is fantastic in Japan.


    We flew in to Narita on a Delta flight direct from Atlanta. That was great, no stopover, etc.


    We found a great hotel at Tokyo Station, which is perfect, since you don't need a taxi (taxis are expensive in Tokyo) to get to the hotel from the airport.


    Tokyo Station is centrally located not too far from the Imperial Palace and you have access to public transportation.


    We stated at the Hotel Metropolitan Marinucci, just outside the north end of Tokyo Station. Cost was about $175 per night and included breakfast.


    Don't miss spending a couple of days in Kyoto. Take the bullet train down from Tokyo.


    Here is my review of our trip and cruise:



    I really enjoyed your review. We are interested in going to Nikko but have read that some of the major sites are covered up for restoration and wondering if it was like that when you went and if it is worth going to especially when the main gate is covered up.

  9. Our first visit in Aomori, we took the train to Hirosaki to see the castle. Report here.


    We were fortunate enough to be there the day before Nebuta Festival on our second visit so we basically stayed in town and joined the fun. Photos here.


    Thank you so much, very interesting and looking forward to the port.

  10. Hi lyna, we are also wanting to do Aomori on our own. We hope to see the Showa Daibutsu, visit the Sannai Maruyama ruins maybe the art museum and the Nebuta Festival float museum. I think there is a bus that will take you out to the Showa Daibutsu and one to the ruins. What I don't know is if they are both on the same route or if we have to come back to town and pick up the next bus to the ruins. The float museum is in town which I gather is with in walking distance of the ship terminal. our other option is to hire a taxi but not sure if they have taxis for 6 people. I think the Showa Daibutsu is about a 50 min bus ride from town and the ruins about 20 min.

    If anyone know about the bus could they please let me know.

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