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Posts posted by ptcandy

  1. On 5/24/2022 at 10:00 AM, KimPossible1 said:

    The British Colonial Hilton closed in February.  We did Margaritaville at the end of Feb. and it was a nice day.  We got there around 11 and we left around 3:30-4pm.  It felt like a long day.  Junkanoo is next door.  

    What did they charge and what was included?  Were you bothered by vendors while sitting on the beach?


  2. We did our first on the Zenith in Sept of 2001. We had to leave from Baltimore because of 911 and the NY harbor was shutdown.


    The Captain never warned us that there was a major storm in the Atlantic and when we hit open water everything in our suite was flying around like a Harry Potter movie. Broken glasses in our cabin and the incessant slamming of the anchor against the hull. Our window view from suite 1008 (remember no verandas then) showed all water one moment and all sky the next. Due to a delayed departure we had to do the Muster on the outer deck in the morning. What a ride.


    Our first of more than 22 or so? since 2001.




    We are a couple of glutens for punishment. The tip should have been the ropes that were stung along the stairs with seasick bags everywhere. The service desk had a big bowl of dramamene the way a restaurant would have mints. When the ship hit the gulf stream on day two, it tilted to one side. People fell off bar stools, the bottles behind the bar flew out, furniture was everywhere. When the ship landed in Hamilton a day late, we were told Lloyds of London sent down an engineer to see if the ship was seaworthy for the trip home. Some passengers chose to fly back to NY as there was another hurricane in the region. The hull as battered and the bow was bent out of shape. Since it was our first cruise, we thought this was the way it was. There was an enterprising t-shirt manufacturer on the island that made, "I survived Hurricane Edouard on the Zenith" shirts ... Doesn't fit any longer but I kept it just the same.


    Anyway, glad to hear everyone arrived in Bermuda safely.



  3. 6a9127fa8ea73c4bd093a2420c251801.jpg



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    Glad to see the seas have flattened out.

    When we were on the Zenith during Hurricane Edouard, we were bobbing in the ocean for 48 hours in a ship half the size. During the second night, the ship turned on its side and Candi rolled out of bed onto the floor with all the stuff on the desk falling on top of her. People grabbed their life jackets and were preparing to abandon ship. There was no announcement from the bridge for a half an hour. Scary. The ship looked like it was picked up and shaken like a mixmaster. It's amazing we still cruise.

  4. True but most of them weren't intent on killing Westeners.


    Actually, for the record, Italian Anarchists set off a bomb in lower Manhattan in 1920 killing 30 people. It was believed Croatian Nationalists bombed LaGuardia Airport 1n 1975 killing 11 and seriously injuring 74. The bomb was said to be made using 25 sticks of dynamite and placed in a luggage locker at TWA. Also in 1975 the Puerto Rican extremest group the F.A.L.N. set off a bomb in Frances Tavern, a landmark building in lower Manhattan killing 4 people and injuring many. I can go on, but I have to go.


    Terrorists are crazy and use politics as an excuse. This is a travel blog and the point of all this is that you go on traveling and live your life. Mark Twain, the American novelist said, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” He also said, Nothing so liberalizes a man and expands the kindly instincts that nature put in him as travel and contact with many kind of people”.

  5. Sometimes it appears from media reports that here in Europe we are threatened on all sides by terrorists. I can understand the concerns of those of you on the other side of the Atlantic, far away from the reality, that this is a scary place. But think for a moment what it means for those of us who live here. Did all the citizens of Paris batten down the hatches and stay at home after the Paris attack? Will the citizens of Brussels stop going to work, school, shopping etc? No of course not.

    We just go about our daily lives as usual. As presumably do citizens of San Bernardino and other places in the US where there have been terrorist attacks .


    Well said ...

    Let us remember, Terrorism isn't a new concept. During the last one hundred years, civilization had to deal with Anarchists, the Irish Republican Army, Croatian Separatists, the F.A.L.N. (independent Puerto Rico), the KKK, the F.L.Q. (independent marxist Quebec), Basque Separatists, Isis, Hamas, JDL, Kurdish Separatists, and the list goes on. The point is we deal with it by living our lives.

  6. Dennis Hollis, if you're reading this board, thank you for a wonderful tour of Bermuda on 6/18. We really enjoyed the day with you.


    Hi Carol

    I don't know if you remember me but we met on the Eurodam inaugural cruise a few years ago. Hope this email finds you and your family well.

    Candi and I will be in Bermuda next month and since it's been a while, I was wondering what tips you can offer us.


    All the best!


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