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Posts posted by loujimbabe

  1. Tom


    The bridge symbol just means there will be certified bridge instructors. If you have never played before, a cruise is a great time to stick your toe in the water and learn the very basics of the game. If you don't you won't recognize any differences from a cruise without bridge.

  2. Duct: We were tempted by those 2 spots too, and they were on this year's WC. Myanmar was interesting, if you go, try to go to Bagan, and take the Balloon ride. Israel was too short, we only had 2 days. But, some passengers left the ship in Jordan, and missed the Suez Canal (snore) and got 4 days there. Definitely worth doing. 2016 also has Easter Island/Pitcairn, 2 places not easily seen any other way, but no guarantees on landing!

  3. I wonder that too re: a world cruise!


    Yes it is possible to do to much cruising. After our 5th World Cruise, we have decided 2 months is our new limit.


    Seriously, if you have the time and the money, I strongly recommend you try it once. World Cruises are different in many ways. You do get into a routine of ship life. You have time to make friends that will last long after disembarkation.


    As for the weight gain...If you cruise for 2 weeks, you may let yourself go and just indulge. When you are on for 4 months, you know you just can't do that.

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