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Posts posted by catherineshopper

  1. Hi Ru2on


    I just realised I didnt put my cabin number in....lol...will have to look it up later.

    Cant remember exactly which cabin, but you say you are towards the back of the ship.... Ideally midship is good and not too high up. much less swaying down lower decks. But if i cant get midship, i would prefer back, then the front. You really feel the ship lurching more in the forward cabins. So your one towards the back will be fine.

    Pearl, Jewel, Dawn are all about the same size and feel I reckon. I personally dont spend any time in my cabin at all except to sleep, so usually only pay for an inside cabin. That way I can afford more cruising!!! lol...I feel queasy in the cabin if I am just sitting around in there, so I much prefer sitting around the deck or lounge areas near big windows.


    Enjoy your cruise. If there is anything else I can help you with, just ask away....


    Catherine :):)

  2. Hi all...


    I think there is a huge difference in ship sizes....I have been on the P.Sun twice and have noticed how wobbly it is. Have not had too much of a problem on P.Dawn...But the Rhapsody of the Seas(5 cruises) I think is the most stable ship I have been on. My daughter gets very sea sick and car sick.....we have just returned from an 18 night cruise to Hawaii and she did pretty well until the last 2 days. She finally had to have an injection which only cost me $45 (think it was phenergan)

    I dont really understand people saying they feel better in the cabin. Walking around the open deck, and keeping busy is definately better. But whatever works for people to enjoy their cruise is good. I also agree with everyone that says its best to take a preventative, rather then get sick. My daughter used the wrist pressure bands and phenergan. I have used a few things, but tend to go back to using stemetil when i feel a bit queasy. My other cruise friend thinks the green apples work a treat.....


    Hope you find what is best for you, but dont give up. Hope you get to enjoy another cruise very soon. It does get better the more cruises you do I think. Well thats what I keep telling myself anyway!!! lol


    Catherine :)

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