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Posts posted by Lizzybell

  1. In 1975 my family went from Long Beach, CA to Southhampton England on the last voyage of P&O Oronsay(weird coinsidence-my mom was on her maiden voyage from England to New Zealand @1950) My father bet our waiter, Bill and I(age 16) that we couldnt swim from the beach in Acapulco to the ship at anchor. We took him up on that bet..the ship was anchored WAY out in the bay, I am guessing it took us about 45 min of swimming, Thank God we were all decent swimmers. By the time we arrived at the ship we had quite an audience as this was an uncommen site-2 passengers and 1 crew member swimming up to the ship...


    As the crew houisted me up out of the water, my bikini top slid completely over and the next thing I knew was a breeze where there was none & loud clapping from the surprised passengers!!

    One of the most embarrassing moments of my life to date!! We were only a few days into a 3 week cruise, needless to say, other passengers remembered me.

    My Dad still talks and laughs about it. I got over it and had a great time & still do 30 yrs ltr :) Afterwards we were told that we had picked a really bad place to swim as that was an area where the ships dumped the "food trash" & the sharks tended to frequent the area-didnt get into trouble like you would today & I was thankful to make it back & I remember admonishing my Dad for enouraging us to do it. He paid up. Liz

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