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Posts posted by ShineOn

  1. I have thin gloves, heavier gloves, a stocking cap & scarf. Light weight jacket, heavier zip up sweater that is dressier, medium weight jacket & a gortex rain coat w/hood that has a zip in fleece lining. Finger crossed that I have it all covered, lol! I have the sizes so I can layer one on top of the other if need be! Since I have 3 nice tops & 2 dressy tops to go with the black dress pants, I'll probably be a little overdressed for dinner too. I finally broke down & bought new luggage w/spinners since we were taking so many different modes of transportation. As I was grumbling about how many jackets I had to pack I decided to weigh my new suitcase with all the coats in it. It was exactly (14.4lbs) the same weight as my old suitcase was empty - score! We start making our trek to Seattle on Saturday - so excited!

  2. Thank you so much! That's what I was hoping. I just threw a couple sparkle tops w/black microfiber dress pants (love how light they are are & don't wrinkle!) My husband is throwing caution to the wind & only packing dress pants, dress shirts & ties for elegant nights - no dress coat on this cruise, feels a little weird. But our luggage space is taken up with extra layers of clothing so I'm relieved to hear this. Really looking forward to watching for wildlife and enjoying some great time with family who live across the country from us.

  3. What a great review We sail out on the 16th of May, but we are flying to Chicago to take the Amtrack to Seattle (combining 2 bucket lists in one trip!). This creates a bit of a packing challenge since we will be doing a plane, train & then ship. We are packing with a variety of layers but I'm a little torn on what to wear for the dining room. We've done 11 Caribbean or Mexico cruises & I like to dress up for dinner but Alaska seems a little more casual with the dress code. Would I be safe w/jeans & a nice top for non elegant nights in the dining room? I've searched the forums for advice on this without luck. Thanks in advance!

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