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Cruzin Cat

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Posts posted by Cruzin Cat

  1. This is so cool! I recently starting going through my old photographs so I can scan them and I ran across the photo of my Mom and her dining companions on the Flavia. For grins, I decided to do a Google search on the ship to see if I could find any entries and found this series of entries! So glad I did!

    My High School Senior class trip was on the Flavia in 1972. My Mom went along as a chaperone. I remember having a great time. It was quite an experience for a group of teenagers from North Carolina! A couple of friends had their motor scooters "stolen" in the Bahamas. We were all quite enamored with the bartenders! :) There were 4 of us girls in an interior room - very chummy! This brings back so many memories. I will have to post some of the photos when I get around to scanning them!

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