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Posts posted by kidnk9

  1. We had 6 total (2a, 4c) and did fit in the van no problem. There was a seat up next to the driver we didnt use.. dont know if we could have. Also, our son was 4.. didnt bring a booster seat. But they did say he should have had one but we were only going to the hotel (RIGHT by the pier) and then to the pier the next day



    Thank you for your help! We don't want to bring any more than we have to (the car seat) since we will be driving a mere 5 minutes to the port. Do you happen to remember what the van cost you and do you think 6 adults and 1 child could fit in it or should we just take 2 taxis?

    Thanks again!

  2. We (myself, husband and family members including our 2 year old granddaughter) will be cruising EOS in 3 weeks. We plan to take a taxi to the port. There will be 6 adults plus the 2 year old. First of all: is this physically possible to accomplish in 1 taxi (van type), and will we be required to have a car seat for the 2 year old? Does anyone know what the cab fare will be? Thank you so much for your help! We are very excited!

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