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Posts posted by gretcjem

  1. I totally "get it" and think it's great. The angry birds review was hilarious!

    I think with all the stress in our lives these days people need to loosen up and just have fun, don't sweat the small stuff, right?


    My mom and I take a girls cruise every year with a friend of ours. Well this year she chose to have a baby instead :rolleyes: and while she is absolutely thrilled with her new baby girl, she is sad that she is missing out on our yearly vacation together. So we've almost decided to take a picture of her head on a stick with us. We'll take a few photos here and there and when we get home I'll make a cheap photo book of just the pictures of her on vacation with us. It's just for a laugh but she'll think it's great that we actually thought of her and spent the time to do it on our vacation.


    So see, sometimes it may just seem silly but really it's because we're missing our cruising companions and want them to feel like they were a part of our vacation, even though they weren't really there. :o

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