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Posts posted by Mitts

  1. Hope it's OK to jump into this thread. This is Pat, Michele's friend from Boston. Last time we talked was in April 2008. Do you remember? Just wanted to tell you that I'm finally getting on a cruise ship again after MANY years. I'm going to Alaska in September on Holland America's MS Westerdam. I'm so excited; it feels like the first cruise I took way back in the '80's.


    This cruise is for knitters, spinners and beaders, all things I love, so even though I'm getting on the ship alone, I know I'll have a great time taking classes and meeting other folks who enjoy these things! I'll also get to see my niece who lives in Seattle the day before the ship leaves. The only thing missing will be those Italians; but then I can't have everything!


    Have you ever been on the Westerdam or cruised to Alaka? If so, I'd love to hear about it.

  2. Tricia, that's a great story. I guess it's true that if you just act like you belong, you can get in anywhere. But you're right about it being a different world then. I haven't cruised since 1995 (Celebrity to Western Carribean), but even then things had tightened up a lot and these days I'm sure it's impossible to get aboard a ship when it's docked if you're not a passenger. But Home Lines ships were pretty freewheeling anyway; I think that's why they were so much fun! By the way, I remember some happy hours sitting on that balcony bar across from the ships in Bermuda.




  3. Yes, please tell him it's the Pat who brought the lobsters to Bermuda from Boston and was all worried that they would die in the refrigerator before anyone could eat them! I met him on my first cruise, which was on the Oceanic in 1985. We became pretty good friends and corresponded back and forth for a while then I lost touch. He was such a funny little guy, but so nice. I really liked him very much. I would love to write to him and send him some pictures of me, much older, and my grandkids, who were just a twinkle in God's eye when I knew him. Please email me if you have his address: catmousam2 @aol.com. Thanks!


    (p.s. the lobsters didn't die and we shared them with another crewmember and his girl, who I think was British and worked on the Atlantic, maybe in a shop or something. The crewmember made gnocchi and pesto to go with the lobster. You never left an Italian ship hungry:) What good memories I have of those days Marge.)

  4. Hi Fabrizio...my name is Margie and I was a very close friend to a sailor by the name of Michele Minutillo from Molfetta, Bari. We have remained friends over the years, I just spoke to him 2 weeks ago. I am also in touch with

    Antonio Marullo (crew waiter) who is married to one of my very good friends and lives in Conneticut.


    Hi Marge - I just discovered this thread on Home Lines and was reading along and really laughed when you mentioned my old pal Michele Minutillo! Are you still in touch with him? If so tell him hi from Pat in Boston and I hope he's well.

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