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Posts posted by Pincus

  1. This was one that still exists ....




    The link is most helpful.


    After I read/study the information on the device, if there are questions, I certainly will avail myself of your offer of answers. Thank you.


    It does appear, though, that this is a way to strengthen the signal for better iPad connectivity, and that's what I'm seeking.


    Thank you for your suggestion and help.

  2. This has been discussed before .... but a "general" reminder for those traveling on ships (or indeed hotels) that also have traditional wall-socket connection to broadband. I do not know which ships have the sockets and which do not.


    If you are so inclined you can buy and set up a small cheap travel router and plug it in and have all your gadgets ie ipad, phone, pc etc connect to the travel router rather than wifi. In the UK a really good travel router is less than £15. I use a simple TP LINK Router.




    This will always be faster and more reliable ... and in some situations sometimes cheaper than using wifi. With wifi your gadget is always in contention with other users ..... sometimes each gadget is charged seperately ... and in effect each additional wifi user reduces performance for all others. This is markedly less so when connected to your own router via wifi. My connection speed via router is often 4 times faster than in house wifi. I tested the difference a few weeks ago in a hotel and it was 10 times the wifi speed.


    Another thing that often happens is that you are charged for the connection of a single gadget ie the first item connected via your own router and thereafter anything else connected at the same time does not incur any additional charges.


    It can be set up once and need not be set up each time if you do as I do ... I set up my travel router with exactly the same broadcast name and passwords as my home router so everything locks in whilst away ... because all gadgets think they are at home.


    Hope the suggestion helps some people benefit from this approach.




    Being technically-challenged, I would like to read more "this has been discussed before." Can you tell me where I've missed this. This sounds like a very good solution.



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