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Posts posted by manhatnbeach

  1. This is one of my favorite websites of all times~ http://theviviennefiles.blogspot.com/ There are great mix and match ideas in there for all seasons and with the method she uses, you could easily do it. The only caveat is whether you need "appliances".... I have to take a lighted magnifying mirror or I can't see to put on makeup anymore. I need a flat iron and I like to take a dvd player to go to sleep. (DH snores, earphones and movie drown out the noise. :rolleyes:)


    Before we needed "appliances", we went to Europe for a month in a carry on without any problems! :D

    I love The Vivienne Files!


    This is another good blog for traveling light ideas...


  2. A few years ago I saw something put out by Danskin called "Wardrobe in a Bag" or something like that..it was like 7 pieces of clothing that you could mix and match to make about 9 or 10 outfits. I never bought it and about kick myself for it! I googled it and couldn't find it at all..sigh! That would have worked for you. It was all blacks, whites, cream colors, etc. and it contained, I think , a short skirt, a long skirt among the other items.


    I've been to Europe a few times.one thing I noticed about European women is that they are always dressed "smart"..a cute pair of flats, a nice pair of slacks or trousers, simple t-shirt, simple jewelery, maybe a colorful scarf.. even if going to the grocery you'd see them with just a pair of jeans and a tshirt but always a pretty jacket. I noticed a lot of "scarves" thrown around the neck and tied various ways (especially in Italy and Spain). Clothes were always neat, ironed. Make up always simple. A pretty pin,maybe to accent the scarf. If I saw prints, maybe a pucci like style. Simple over the shoulder tote to carry things from the markets, etc. Have pretty much noticed the same sort of trend in the U.K., Spain, and Italy.


    I think if you stick to a neutral pallet..black/white/cream/khaki color you'll do fine. It may also be cooler there as well.


    And if anyone could locate that Danskin "Wardrobe in a Bag", I'd be grateful!

    This isn't Danskin, but I think the idea is the same.


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