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Posts posted by starcyn

  1. My left foot had a "ball" on it the size of a golf ball! Boy did I have trouble finding shoes (and keeping them on my feet for more than a few hours). I called our family foot doctor and he suggested to have the surgery done before I had more trouble. (What was he thinking! I just wanted a little thing to put into my shoes to cure it!) Anyway, after I realized this was not going to go away and I was already hobbling around, I too decided to get it done.


    It definitely wasn't pleasant and I think I complained for the first 6 months after surgery. The boot came off after 8 weeks and I found the most comfy shoes I could to weather the fall and winter months (Sketchers mary janes a size bigger than normal). After 6 months I was rejoicing and dancing around! The best thing I could have done for myself.


    Today, 2 years out, I can wear any off the rack shoes I want - but you know what? After all my years of foot problems, I buy good shoes. Thanks to my surgeon for his wonderful work.


    The only negative I can say I have is that when the weather is changing I do tend to know ahead of time - due to those little screws holding my bone straight!


    Do it! You will not regret it.

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