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Posts posted by mnbruce

  1. For a change, I can actually post to this week's thread THIS WEEK! (usually my shooting is on weekends, and each new thread starts on a Monday, so I don't get around to posting until the end of the current thread - but a Monday holiday meant I could get out and shoot on a Monday). Here's some of the latest wetlands action, from a good day:


    Starting with a cute little baby alligator - there are lots of these recently hatched all over the wetlands:



    And where there's a little baby alligator, usually nearby is momma gator:



    A rare exotic for Florida - this strange and lovely colored duck is a white-faced whistling duck, not something that's supposed to be found here. He was hanging out with a bunch of black-bellied whistling ducks, who I guess he felt were close enough to him to hang out with:



    Great egrets are in mating season - and as with many birds, that means they start to change colors. In the great egret's case, the area around their bill and eyes goes from yellow, matching their bills, to a vibrant green:



    This little fella with the big head is a belted kingfisher, sitting on this reed while waiting for an unaware fish in the waters below to jump down on:





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