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Posts posted by travelcat18

  1. Hey gals! It's been awhile! I see you both have new cruises booked!!


    Things have finally calmed down for me (from crazy busy to just plain busy...lol). I graduated nursing school, went on my last cruise, got a job in the surgical ICU and have been working for 3.5 months (and I love it!)...and hubby has started nursing school.


    We just booked a vacay for next May and I thought of you guys. My weight has been all over the place with all the stress and changes, but I'm down 17lbs in the last 2 months...so officially lower than I was on my May cruise. Yay!


    Still trying to keep up with the workouts, though it's been hard cause hubby has been renovating the garage space where we've set up our home gym plus my work schedule is taking some getting used to. I like only working 3 days/week, but 12 hour days is sometimes exhausting!


    As for vacay we decided to go with an all-inclusive in Riviera Maya...trying something different.


    I see you guys have been staying just as busy as me!! Lots of stuff going on...and just biding our time til the next vacation!!!


    Take care... I'll be checking in more frequently!



  2. You are right...my next event will be daughter's graduation at the end of May. My ex will be there with his "current" and I will need to look "HOT"


    Tell me about your LOW CARB diet...are you on a particular one or just counting them each day?






    Donna, I just saw this!! I'm just counting carbs...trying to keep it at around 100/day and I'm logging my food in myfitnesspal via my iPhone...so easy! I'm not doing a particular program, but eating more protein, trying to keep my carbs complex (whole grains and the ones in my veggies). Easter I did splurge a little though. Really, it's been the easiest "diet" I've done. DH and I plan a little splurge every week so I have something to look forward to.


    Looks like Joly is leaving today on her cruise!


    I've been doing really well with diet and exercise. Splurged a little on Easter, but overall have done great. The sad news is that I'm only down .4 this week...but according to my tracking I should be down about 2 lbs. I'm just going to stick with it...hopefully I'll see it on the scale soon. 12 days of school left and 13 til I cruise!!!


    Hope everyone's having a great week!

  3. Lady - Welcome back! Glad to hear you had a good time. Like you said I'm sure that 10 lbs is mostly water weight. All the delicious food (probably a lot of sodium)...you'll be back to normal soon!


    Joly and Fruth - Only about a week til your cruise!!


    Joly - I hope your neck is better! Being a nail technician does not help things. One more week and you'll be able to relax!!!


    Donna - You need to book another cruise...then you'll have something to work toward! Do you have any spring/summer weddings or events where you can wear a cute dress? Have anything in your closet that you can't quite fit in to? Whatever it is...grab some motivation!



    I started doing a lower carb diet (still eat around 100 grams of carbs daily)and I tell you what I don't feel the least bit deprived. I'm eating a LOT of protein. Lost 4.6 lbs this week...down 12.2 total! I'm finding new ways to prepare foods...and my secret evening treat is one of those Atkins endulge bars... a good sub for a milky way. They're $1 each, but hey, if they keep me away from the junk, I'll pay! Still training for the mini...I did 9 miles on Saturday, it was rough, but I made it! Just over 2 weeks till I'm done with nursing school and about 3 weeks til I cruise...can't wait!!!!!! :D

  4. Just checking in....school has been crazy the last few weeks!


    Ladyd - I know you're on your cruise and hope you're having a BLAST!!! Congrats on the family successes in losing a person!!


    Joly and Fruth - Only a couple weeks and you're outta here!! Joly, how's your neck...nothing like a strained muscle to put you outta commission!


    Donna - I can't believe your cruise has come and gone. Hopefully you enjoyed yourself even though it was just ok


    My diet has been here, there and everywhere, but my weight is still on a downward trend.. Lost 7.6 total so far. Life/stress has gotten in the way, but I've been back on track the past couple days. I've been training for the mini too... have a 9 mile walk/run this weekend. Wish me luck! Only 3 more weeks of classes...then I get to organize, pack, and leave for my cruise!!! Ah, I can't wait to unwind. Plus, since it's the week before my mini marathon, I can carbo-load! lol


    Hope everyone's having a great week. It's almost the weekend!!

  5. Hey y'all!! I've been busy with school and then have come down with some kind of yucky cold...and I've been kinda loose with eating... I lost 1.4 this last week after not losing any the week before. Changed workouts to walk/running on the treadmill cause I realized I only have 2 months til my mini marathon in May!


    MamaP - welcome back!


    Sounds like the rest of you are making great progress...you're motivating me to get back to it and kick some serious booty!!

  6. Joly, how do you like Jillian Michael's programs? I probably should check a few out at the library before I purchase. Congrats on the "cute" swimsuit! That must feel nice!


    Donna, Great job on the eating and working out!!! Hope you are doing okay and not too stressed with all the long work hours.



    Okay, so today I put in Insanity and did a couple minutes and said forget it! I fell yesterday (call me captain clumsy) while walking to the mailbox...and hurt my other knee. So I switched to Turbo Fire...LOVE IT. It's more dance-y which is fun and I remember a lot of the moves because I used to do Turbo Jam at my gym. It's also much nicer to my joints. Once I get some more weight off I'll try insanity again. Food journaling is going well...just trying to get all my fruits and veggies in daily...that's the hard part! Also, tried on the dresses I bought again and I think at least one of them is going to be too big by the time I cruise. I guess I'll return it cause I don't really need 4 dresses! 62 days til I cruise!!


    Hope everyone is having a great day!

  7. Thats great!! Hay any loss is better than nothing! Yeah our cruises are getting quickly, definatly have to start shopping and as unhealthy as I know it is, I usually try to get a couple (ok maybe a little more than a couple) tanning sessions in....I've tried many different spray tans and even the creams, (and not the cheap ones) but I have a bad reaction to them, not right away, but as the day goes on I itch like CRAZY!! To me My bathing suit and shorts just look better with a little bit of color!!


    Oh as a side note as i'm typing this there is an infomercial for Brazilion Butt Lift? the system looks great was just curious if anyone as tried it!


    Hey! I meant to reply to your last post...but I have been crazy busy with a test this week and I can't keep anything straight. Congrats on the clothes fitting better even if the scale doesn't move you know you're doing something right!


    I don't know what it is about the "fake" tans, but I can't stand the smell...they ALL have a weird smell about them. I agree that things look better with some color!


    I have the Brazilian Butt Lift... I only did a few workouts when I first got it because I felt I wanted something more extreme (Insanity)... but I definitely could tell those few workouts were working! My butt and legs were sore in places I didn't know existed, so there is something to Leandro's program with that triangle training. I just love all of beachbody's programs...I'm biased I suppose!

  8. Hello All, Wow wish I had seen this post back in January. It appears most of you will be cruising soon where as my next cruise is not until the end of October.

    3 years ago I was a size 8 and now I'm busting out of a 16:( I quit smoking 4 years ago and I have put on 40 pounds:eek:. I just don't have any willpower, every night I say tomorrow is the day I'm gonna be good and I might start that way but I don't end that way.

    I am gonna check out some of the sites you folks mentioned for logging your food intake and hope I can stick to it.

    Keep up the good work you are all doing I hope I can be as good as all of you.


    Welcome!!! This is a great group! I know exactly what you mean about putting it off til tomorrow...and then it seems like tomorrow never comes. Normally when I start a plan I wait til a Monday so I can go crazy over the weekend and have anything and everything I want to eat... This time I just decided one day to start...I'm 2 weeks in, 5.4 lbs down, and feeling so much better, more energy, clothes are looser, less bloated, and because I'm on the right track I just feel better about myself in general. I hope you'll make your "tomorrow" today if you haven't already!!! Check in frequently...it helps keep you accountable! Good luck!



  9. Hope everyone is doing well. Never made it to the gym yesterday (Monday) at I was at the office from 6 am to 8 pm but I didn't snack and no wine last night.


    Today is kickboxing!


    That is a LONG day!! Hope you got to blow off some steam with kickboxing. Stay strong...my prayers are with you during the transition and for those that weren't so fortunate.


    :rolleyes: Thinking about being gone on a cruise right now after the snow we had this morning it sounds like the place to be. I made it past Fat Tuesday eating no Paczki, my boss who is a workout freak brought in Paczki's today. I'm like really? are you planning to eat any of these? he said no but you can enjoy them. ;) When I felt the melt down sneaking up on me I headed to the gym to workout. My son's first words to me when I got home were where is my Paczki, you could have brought one home for me, yeah I would have ate it on the way home unless I stashed it in the trunk :confused: I thought it was better if I left them at work. Keep up the good work everyone remember its for a great cause.


    Cruising in under 300 days.:p


    Hula it's cold here, though no snow....so I, too, can't wait to cruise! Great job on avoiding the Paczki...I've never had one, so I guess I don't know what I'm missing!


    Hope mama has a good time on her cruise. Welcome Sun. Managed to lose 1 1.2 lbs this week so I will take it. Went over yesterday on my calorie and not even my workout could make up for it haha but today is a new day.


    We cruise in 31 days and it seems like it is coming up fast. My son is counting down school days and said he has 24 as of yesterday!


    Want to go shopping and get a few new clothes for the cruise but waiting a couple of more weeks to see where I settle at in size. I have gone down one size and they are lose on me but not sure I could fit into the lower size.


    Great job on the loss and having gone down a size! Both awesome accomplishments!!!



    To MamaP...I hope you're having a great time already!!!



    I'm down 2.2 this week. I've been working really hard doing Insanity and eating within my calorie budget... I've had about a 1,000 calorie deficit each day which = 2 lbs...so I'm on track. I've done something to my knee from doing Insanity...I think maybe I hit it too hard! I'm going to try to take it easy, but I might need to switch to a program with less plyometric activity!


    Hope everyone's having a great week!



  10. Everyone is doing a great job! My friend is on week 5 of insanity but I have not even ventured to watch the DVD. She keeps getting me to try it but I am just getting into the exercise thing so going to wait.


    Insanity is no joke! Because I'm just getting back into exercise I'm modifying a lot of the moves, and frankly I'm impressed with my ability to keep up with the DVD. Even some of the people in the video drop like flies toward the end...makes me feel like they ARE human after all! lol... give it a try once you feel up to it.


    :)Happy Saturday all:) Lost one pound last week, I like the Winsor Pilates DVD on days I don't make the gym does anyone else use this? It is a 20 minute core work out. Have a good and safe weekend all, I see some of you will be thinking of packing and getting ready to head out to the warm sun, enjoy your cruise.:p


    Great job on the 1lb!!! Awesome! I've heard of the Winsor pilates but never tried it. Pilates in general is awesome core work so I'm sure it's a great workout!





    Going to work out and eat well today because will be enjoying some beers at a bowling benefit tonight. Probably some junk food too...just a little. Think I mat try the 55 cal beer. Then I can have more and hopefully not do too much damage to all my hard work. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!


    Enjoy tonight!! And I can't believe you're packing... so very close! You're going to have a wonderful time.



    I finished week 1 of Insanity and I'm still alive! I've also tracked my food and have been eating really well. Yesterday I went to PF Changs for a lunch date with DH and I tried to eat slowly and put fork down between bites. We only ordered one entree and one appetizer to share and DH ate at least 2/3 of it all. I thought I might have gone haywire, but when I tracked my calories I was doing just fine. I even fit in some nonfat frozen yogurt when we stopped at Costco! Taking a brief study break now, but planning to go out tonight to celebrate a friends graduation! I'm going to try to eat well at dinner, because I know I'll be drinking my calories! On the plus side, I'll be dancing off a bunch of calories too!


    Hope everyone has a great fun-filled, active weekend!!

  11. Ladyd – congrats on 3.8 lbs!! That’s great! And I know exactly what you mean about being in school forever! This spring I’ll be done with my associates, so I’ll have to go back for my bachelor’s in nursing…and I already have a bachelor’s in another area. Try to take it easy and enjoy a relaxing cruise!!

    Fruth – Stay as well as possible. Stay hydrated and take some Vitamin C or airborne!!

    Mamaparr - 6 days and 3 lbs is a tall order, but sounds like you have a plan for the car trip…you never know! Stick with it! If you’re anything like me even if I miss a goal, I feel better knowing that I am eating right and getting activity.

    Donna – Hang in there…sounds like you have a lot going on! Exercise is a great stress-buster and sounds like you’re showing that gym who’s boss! And congrats on the happy scale movement!


    I just finished day 5 of insanity and it was crazy! That program is aptly named...that's for sure. My eating is going okay...I'm staying within my calorie range, but I know I could be making better choices...so I'll be working at that. Weighed in and lost 3.2lb this week! I'll take it. I'm already feeling better, more energy, less bloated...yay!


    69 days left til I cruise!!!

  12. Happy Valentines Day!!! DH and I kept it simple this year... I got him a Starbucks gift card and he got me a box of chocolates (which I told him NOT to do....he's such an enabler!) He said he'd help me eat them which basically means he'll have one piece and the rest will be calling my name until they're gone! We had a heart-shaped cheese pizza for dinner which wasn't too bad cause I only had 1.5 slices and loaded up on some green beans. DS loved the fact it was in a heart shape. DH and I are going to dinner this weekend just ourselves, so I thought it would be best to have a nice little family V-day.


    Also got day 3 of Insanity in today!


    How's everyone else doing?!


    LOL, oh yes a queen he is!!!! Especially when he does this little (too much bootie in the pants) i one of his dvd's, I just about die every time I see it!!


    He can be the biggest queen in the world as long as he helps me make my booty smaller!! lol

  13. 72 days left for me!!!! What excites me even more is that I'll be done with nursing school when I leave. It will be my carefree cruise!!


    Finished day 2 of Insanity and it kicked my booty. I was sore from yesterday and now I'm practically jello! Burned 400 calories in 40 minutes. How many glasses of wine is that? :D I even managed to commit to exercise after a long clinical day...in the past I've come home and crashed on the couch.


    Doing great with food today...let's hope I keep this going!


    Hope everyone has an awesome start to the week!!

  14. Well had such a great nite out last nite with hubby for my bday!! Went into Victoria Secret and tried on some bathing suits which I felt pretty good in!! But I didnt end up buying any only because I wanted something with a little bit of color, (all they had was bright orange or black) but felt pretty good!!! Today kinda a busy day , so no workout , later dinner at inlaws for my bday and cake!!! (this month is gonna kill me, we have 4 bdays but I'll only have cake today cuz its my fav kind choc cake and choc frosting, made by my hubby )!! Oh well tomorrow is another day!!


    Happy Birthday!!

  15. Way to go everyone, Ladyd especially your son!

    I had a 31 bag/purse party last night and was very good ate light all day, worked out, and made "healthier" snacks for the party. I did splurge and made a Moscato punch...YUMMY had 3 glasses and was worth it! I am down another pound so anything I did yesterday hasn't caught up to me.


    Today's dilemma: Supposed to go to a Euchre tournament tonight with my husbands family, they play once a month, potluck. He had already volunteered to help the neighbor work on his pole barn after work. SO here are my excuses for not going but ultimately just because I cannot resist these peoples food:o IT is a feast I tell ya! No babysitter, no partner and not feeling great. all of which are true but if I really wanted to I could make it happen. Am I being crazy??? Really want to do well only 10 days till vacation and not at my goal.


    By the way LOVE chocolate and wine!!!


    Moscato punch?? Tell me more!


    Glad you got out of the party, but next time maybe you can bring something you can munch on guilt-free like a veggie tray and still have a few nibbles of the other food.


    Only 10 days??!!! Summon up that willpower from within your toes...you can do it! And yes, 55 people is definitely some motivation to look good in your swimsuit!


    LOL ! love that "less jiggle in the wiggle"!! Your collection of DVD sounds like me!!! Tried the Turbofir and loved it last yr , but then got bored, Tried PX90 and I may be one of the few but hated it and I killed my leg in the process! So now its Slim in 6 which she can be boring but I loke it!!! It works!!....JUst press play!!!But welcome to our little nuthouse here! We really do have a great support group here!


    Thanks! Yes, I tried P90X too, but that hour a day was a lot of commitment at the time and it KICKED my booty...which is good. 90 mins of yoga was a stretch though, no pun intended! Hard to commit the time all at once, but maybe that's just another one of my excuses!



    As for me I splurged a little last night at Noodles & Co. ...I love that place! Went shopping with DH and DS last night and while they played in the play area for kids, I bought some dresses for the cruise! They all fit, but a couple are snug so I wanna lose so they look great! Good motivation...and I wouldn't mind having to take them in! Got a stellar deal on a Ralph Lauren dress...$30! It's solid purple, sleeveless, with ruching around the torso and hip area. I've decided I'm going with Insanity today...we'll see if I can survive!


    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  16. Hey y'all! I've been reading your posts and found that you're an inspiring group. You all are doing wonderfully and even when you slip or make a slight detour you all encourage each other to get back on track. I'd love to be part of your group! I leave for my cruise April 26th!


    I'm no newbie to diet and exercise, but let's just say that I've taken a hiatus since I was pregnant with my son....over 3 years ago!! with intermittent half-hearted attempts to get back on track. Well, I'm back to it again with a LOT to lose. I'd love to lose 20 lbs before my cruise and because I have a lot to lose I think that's doable. I've been tracking my food and exercise via Bodybugg with the armband that tells me how many calories I burn every day.


    Starting a new Beachbody program on Sunday... can't decide whether I want to do Insanity, TurboFire or Brazilian Butt Lift. (We got a good deal on Beachbody stuff awhile back and DH is obsessed)!


    I just wanna have a little less jiggle in my wiggle for the cruise! Plus I'm constantly on CC wasting time...might as well make it productive!


    Oh, and I'm a nursing student in my last semester...this cruise is a celebration for graduating!

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