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Posts posted by amchugh

  1. TA are more than "order takers". They offer advice, suggestions, assist in planning. My agent does my online check in. Saves me several hours on hold with cruise lines or on the computer. Handles everything for me. It cracks me up how people bash a profession. The agency have to earn a living also. The commission they earn is paid not from us but from the company.. They have partnerships with each other. if you choose not to use an agency that is your decision. You are missing out on perks that they offer. They get to know you and your likes and dislikes. They look out for deals that I may like. She watches for my price to go down. If there is an issue she takes care of it for me. That is just my opinion. :)

  2. We brought my 9 month on a cruise and we brought a small blow up baby pool. It kept him entertained and we were out of the way of others. We also put it on our verandah and enjoyed that also. It depends on the line. I have seen small children in the pool that had swimming pants and they put the children in to keep them cool.

  3. trainman, thank you for your live posts. AS with everyone else I have cried, laughed and honestly a little sick (blood something). but thank you for sharing such a personal time of your life with us. You have made me look at life a little different so thank you and Carol. My heart goes out to you in this time. Just think how many people you and Carol have touched. I hope someday I can meet you and personally thank you for your posts. Have a safe journey home

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