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Posts posted by arush5268d

  1. We were on the Breeze in Feb. We had 3 cabins out of 4. We had to get the jerks from hell next to us. There was a mother (if you called her that) and 3 young girls. They were slobs from hell. They screamed all day and nite. They kept bringing strange men in their room. Never even remembered their names. We heard them on balcony having sex. I saw them check in . Couldn't even get their card to work. We walked by the room and door was wide open. It was disgusting. I have been on many cruises and never seen pigs like them. I kept calling security but they didn't do much. They kept coming by and didn't catch them. We heard them screaming all nite.


    Wow..that does not sound like fun. You should have filmed their activities and made some money on the side.

  2. You are talking out both sides of your mouth CB.


    This post speaks volumes about your honesty.




    "I was given the right information to begin with, but interpreted it differently, which was my fault. After this, I contacted a buddy of mine who corrected me. Therefore, my latest post has the most accurate information....


    For those of you asking for me to post a source, I am the Source, or in this case, my buddy. I have been right in the past (mostly), and I once again am confident and hope this information is accurate. "


    Maybe it's time for CB319 to go back into hiding and let one of your sock puppets post for awhile.






    Agreed. Very strange posting history.


    I've started to think that CarnivalBreeze319 may be the one who's the employee of a competing cruise line, seriously.


    His posts seem to cause more damage to Carnival's image than help it. His announcements, comments and predictions are consistently met with sarcasm and hostility, even anger, which is then redirected at Carnival.


    I don't know about your theory but something definately is not right. JH posts information at times that is quickly out dated by corporate so that could be the case with CB319. His handlers may give him tasks but like everyone else at Carnival they don't have a clue what the other departments are doing.

  3. big mess on cc a few years ago:






    ps - did you take your chimay onboard on your recent cruise? :)


    Ahh interesting, I'll be digging through those. Thanks!


    I found a great bottle of wine that I wanted to have on my balcony instead of the the Chimay. Since I was going solo I didn't have anyone to help me get both on board. :(

  4. I would hope having it done to them is enough of a lesson not to do it to others. And that goes for all parties.



    Sent using the Cruise Critic forums app from my IPhone



    I am not aware of the royal champs thing you are referencing. Is this a situation where the companies were trying to torpedo each other online?


    Please do share.

  5. That sounds a lot like the old royal champs program. I don't think anyone would do that sort of thing of thing again.



    There are a few suspicious posters that have popped up since the Triumph incident and they keep throwing warning flags out.


    At this point I wouldn't put anything past Carnival - and that is not me taking a cheap shot at them.

  6. We are hoping with the holiday season to win you over as well.;):)



    That lies in Carnival's hands. If they don't make some changes they will lose me from most of their brands.


    I have certainly given out plenty of negative comments recently in regards to Carnival Cruise Line and Carnival Corp. But not everything I say about them is bad. I continue to praise the employees that work extra hard to make cruising great and over come Carnival's cut backs.

  7. I count about 8 points. 7 being sold as fact, when in fact they are just opinions.


    The last point may hold some water. But you would then have to calculate in inflation.


    ARe you back to being a Carnival supporter? I'm a bit surprised by your comment to my post.

  8. What happened to the inside sources that you had? Or was it your other names Qwerty119 and cruiseloveryay that had the inside sources?



    Maybe CarnBreze319 is not *technically* an employee but is compensated in other ways such as *free* cruises or other gifts.


    I dunno. CB319's posts are clearly not normal for a consumer. Putting aside the inside sourches CB319's posts are way way way more pro-Carnival than anything JH has ever put out. Even Apple/Droid fanboys aren't this supportive of their brand of choice. CB319 could make Ps4/Xbox One supporters feel like mere amateurs.

  9. Did Carnival give out the free cruises, or did the TV studio pay for the family to go on a cruise with Carnival?


    I did not watch the show, so I don't know all the details, but not sure if I would give out a free cruise simply because the kid was being picked on in school. You got kids being picked on in every school. What makes her family more deserving of the gifts than say a kid dying of cancer or a disabled war veteran.


    Can anyone who had watched the show clarify?


    TV ratings are high for victims of bullying, recently. Most sadly the public has seemingly moved on from the vets and we have again turned out backs to them.

  10. Question,

    Is it they serve a lot of food, or just time in between courses which makes you feel as if you have eaten more? Just curious.




    Quality over quantity. It's set up more like a fine meal should be.

  11. I disagree, the last major expenditure for the Pride was over 3 years ago. So they have recouped their expense. Once the ship is dry docked in Oct/Nov 2014 and is renovated I will agree with you. But not until the renovation is completed.



    What does that have to do with anything? All the ships are on a continual dry dock schedule.

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