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RVP cruiser

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Posts posted by RVP cruiser

  1. Does anyone remember Elfred E Newman? Me and my sisters took the head off of one of the our little sisters dolls (it was the size of an adult fist) a placed it on the hood ornament of our 71 Chrysler Newyorker!! hahahaha-- it was the funniest thing.

    After about 6 months--- the poor guy looked like a total wreck. Lost lots of his hair- face all dirty ! hahahahah-- we had great memories with that thing.

    Wish I had pictures.


    here is a clean version :Dhttp://www.bing.com/images/search?q=alfred+e+newman&id=E6BC7968F124939EBE51DD5138E1B364B407CB5E&FORM=IGRE1

  2. Just off the Legend last week, and we had CBS, NBC, ABC, and FOX. I think 2 of the stations were from Buffalo and 2 from Miami. However at times, we were getting Canadian feeds for those networks. We also had 2 news channels that I think were CNN and CNN International. The Discovery Channel didn't show regular programming but specific show without commercials.


    On our last sea day (college football Saturday) Carnival had satellite network issues and all 4 networks were off until late afternoon/early evening.


    Have they upgraded the tvs to flat screens yet on Legend?

  3. Its amazing that a drink package subject can have this many discussions. What confussion a couple drinks can cause!!:D

    Thanks for everyones input so far-- what a vast amount of imformation!! its very much appreciated.

    Did we ever settle the RED BULL and Smoothie topic?

    Which package will I need if I want to drink some wine and alcohol (can stay under $8) but definately want the specialty coffees- smoothies and Red Bull.


    Thanks all!


  4. I cant believe its been two years since I was last on this thread and some of you are still here!! WOW- amazing!!

    Hello Ms Jean and Kay (its Cerabella- right?) I saw Pink on a few past posts- Hopefully she is still on.

    JUST WANTED TO SAY HELLO TO ALL OF YOU. You all deserve a round of applause for your diligence! WAY TO GO. :D


    yep-- Im back on Adkins again--- see I need to make this a lifetime change (as its intended for) Sad to say Im back (weight) to where I started ago 2 years ago. Scratching my head saying "WHY"


    Let me know if you all want to get back on the weekly weigh ins as we were doing before.


    Have a good night all- glad to be back to hear some inspiring stories.



  5. I'll begin by saying I LOVE St. John. We have been heading there for years (and taking fellow passengers with us) each time our ship docks in St. Thomas. I even love the adventure and anticipation of getting there (grabbing a taxi, arriving at the Red Hook ferry, watching St. John grow closer as we cross the channel). It does take a little bit to get there but for us, it's worth it.


    There are several reasons I'd recommend going on your own (or with a small group from your ship): You can go and return on your own schedule; you can go early and beat the crowds (we always get off the ship as early as possible and catch the first available ferry); you'll save money. While a sailboat excursion will give you a sense of the beauty of St. John, I think the experience is better if you take the ferry to the island, explore and enjoy the wonderful views and beaches from on land.


    To get there, regardless of where you dock, hop in a taxi and head to the Red Hook Ferry dock. The ferry to Cruz Bay St. John leaves every hour on the hour. If you make the 9:00 AM ferry, you'll beat the crowds and have more time on the island. It's only about a 20 minute ferry ride. When you get off the ferry there are bunches of taxis waiting to take you to the beach or on an island tour or both. It's about $6 per person from the dock to Trunk Bay with a couple of wonderful scenic overlooks on the way (my avatar is taken from the Trunk Bay overlook). It is a spectacular island.


    If you want to rent a car, they run about $70 - $75 for the day and are typically small jeep-type vehicles. The drive on the other side of the road here so be prepared for that. If you just want to relax and enjoy, I'd suggest taking the taxi to the beach.


    Trunk Bay is by far the most popular beach. It has the marked underwawter snorkeling trail and it is a beautiful beach (you can see it in my avatar). There is a $4 admission fee for Trunk Bay. If snorkeling isn't key, I'd suggest going to Cinnamon Bay, the next major beach down from Trunk. It, too, is very pretty, snorkeling not as good but no admission fee.


    Trunk Bay and Cinnamon both have a decent beach snack bar (burgers, chix fingers, etc) and a place you can rent beach chairs (not the best shape) and snorkel gear (OK stuff).


    There are many other gorgeous beaches along the north shore of the island. Hawksnest (has restroom facilities but not food/chair renta) and Maho (no facilities) are two of my favorites. Taxis will take you to any of them. Taxis are readily available at Trunk and Cinnamon all day long.


    If you prefer a nicer lunch, there are also lots of nice restaurants back in Cruz Bay within walking distance of the ferry dock. www.stjohnguidebook.com gives you plenty of suggestions and they are all pretty good.


    Heading back, I'd recommend you take a ferry that leaves Cruz Bay no later than 3 hours prior to your ships departuer. If your ship leaves at 6:00, I'd take the 3:00 PM ferry back to Red Hook at the latest. That will get you back on St. Thomas by 3:20 with plenty of time for a cab ride back to your ship. There are always plenty of cabs at Red Hook waiting to take passengers back to ships, too.


    I should add that we, too, have vacationed on the island. We've been there three times for a week vacation in the past ten years. It continues to be my favorite island. Here's a link to photos from our trip to St. John last summer: http://stjohntrip2009.shutterfly.com/26?size=All&startIndex=0


    Enjoy whatever you do.

    Honestly have to say..... these are the nicest photos I have ever seen!!

  6. Hey guys- just got back from 2 days in Denver on business. Record cold days while I was there of course- and a Florida girl cant handle that cold.


    Kay- you are just like me Im worried about the drinks- ohhh well Im sure a liquid diet will be ok for 10 days hahahaha- Im not going to sweat it, just looking forward to having a blast and meeting some cool people!

    I love the kids plays!! enjoy and have fun. KIDS ARE GREAT!


    Cerebella- Im a soup person too! Adkins website (reciepts) has a great homemade chickson soup!


    Stay warm Jean!


    Take care all- just 2 more das for me!!! yeah!!

  7. Kay- I think you are right- body changes and age!! DARN IT! oh well nothing worth it is easy. We will get through this and Im sure you will loose those few more pounds before you go. Im way off the goal weigh I wanted to be at for my cruise, but hopefully I will loose 10 lbs on the cruise. :) Plan on taking the stairs- NO ELEVATOR for me, and lots of walking in the ports.


    The support is great from all- KEEP UP THE ENCOURAGEMENT!!!


    Here is a great "treat"

    1/2 cup Ricotta cheese

    1-2 packeys Splenda

    1 tbsp vanilla-

    mix together and enjoy!!!



  8. Good morning all-


    Not much changes this week- actually gained 2 lbs in the beginning of the week- too much wine from the weekend. :p

    and then lost a 1lb or 2?


    SW 258 (mid September)

    CW 234

    GW 165 long way to go!


    This is definately going slower than the last time I did this a couple years ago- and Im more diligent than before?? Well Im going to stick to it and NOT turn back....

    GOOD LUCK to ALL this week.


    I leave this friday for my cruise!! SO EXCITIED:D

  9. Donna- fun Mother and daughter times. Enjoy these times- they dont last. I have a 21 yr old son- still wish he was home :( and two little girls- wish I had more time with them- this crusie will be time for me and MY girls t be togeter constantly!

    enjoy shopping.

    Keep making the low carb choice all- WE WILL OVERCOME!!!! and be BIG LOSERS!!!

  10. Kay- SUPER JOB!!!! holy cow- you are almost there. Holiday temptations and how to handle..... remember how far you have come and how good you feel! THOSE no no food wont make you feel as good as you do now!


    Donna, this is the worst time of year for the young ones to get sick. I will be thinking of you and your daughter.


    Jean-great thinking!!! BYOF!!!!




    11 days left before my cruise!!! getting really excited now!!! :)

  11. Good Sunday afternoon to all....


    WHOOOWHOOOO--a litle bit more lost this past week!

    I lost 3 lbs this week. :)

    That is a total of 25 lbs so far!

    started @ 258 now @ 233- 70lbs to go! :eek:


    HOW ABOUT THE REST OF YOU?? We need to try to commit a total loss of so much each week as a group? What do you all think? Like if there is 6-7 of us "in" for the weigh-in thing- then say our goal is 10 lbs lost per week for the group?


    Im just trying to stay focused and the goals and comptition thing really work. Let me know if anyone else likes the idea.

  12. Kay- You are a Kindergarden teacher?? You must be an awsome woman! never met a kindergarden teacher that wasnt. Thank you for your service to our youths!!

    I cheated today too- cup of icecream. Im making stuffed green pepers tonight! You will pick it back up again soon-I thought that too about the exersie- BUT if you are motivated to exercise- I dont recommend you stop.

    Protein all the way in the morning- shortly after you wake. I had a hard time with this since Im not really a b-fast person. Once I started early morning proteins I saw a boost in weight loss. Wish I could lay off the coffee- keep hearing reports caffine does slow down weight loss??!!!!


  13. Hey all- wow this tread surely has gotten active. WHOOWHOOO!!! like to hear from everyone.


    Cerebella- YOU definately deserve another cruise. Sorry to hear about the troubles. Although lets be glad you are able to look forward to future cruises.


    Kay- dont give up. you are in a little standstill right now, but it will pass. Just as you told me a couple weeks back. :) keep up the SUPER JOB!!


    Donna- sorry to hear about the darn tree!! mark my words- these are great memories- years to come you and your family will get many laughs from that incident. (its happened to me)-


    Who else wants to be brave and join the SUNDAY weigh ins- the more the merrier.


    15 DAYS left before I will be sailing the SOUTH CARIBBEAN!!!


    Lets keep this thread strong and ALL reach and maintain our goals.

  14. Jean- i had a HUGE Thanksgiving at our house- WAY too much food- when I started clening up- I gave everyone several dishes of food to take with them including all the deserts- I DIDNT EVEN WANT THE TEMPATION! glad I did this.


    Great job on the walk- I have been inactive for 3 days now- major crunch time on the job and all computer stuff- I have to get everything handled before CRUISE- in 17 days YEAH!!



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