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Posts posted by Rezalien32

  1. thx again for the quick replies and help! Just booked the Conquest for Feb 8! Wow...now I have to keep it a secret from my wife until Christmas (it's her...well OUR Christmas present :D).


    Both ships sound great but since we're not heavy drinkers (we'll take our own wine), we don't gamble, and we're not souvineer junkies...I figure the extra $ is better spent on the longer vacation/better ports/larger ship fresh out of some upgrades, we'll just take it easy on the "extras".


    Thx again, this is an awesome forum! Within an hour of posting my first newbie question, I had some great responses!


    I'll def be back for more research.




    This is RezAlien's wife and I wanted to thank all of you who helped my husband with this incredible gift!


    He did the treasure hunt for the boys Christmas Eve morning and said there was a "small" gift for me at the end as well. When we got to the last treasure chest I opened the card he had for me and it contained a printout of the Funpass Ticket. I thought it was one of those time share trip things that he's always telling me to throw away! I open the second gift which was the Carnival Brochure with pictures and itinerary...I was blown away! I started screaming, laughing then crying! I was literally sobbing!


    I've waited 10 years (since our honeymoon!) to go on another cruise! It's all on tape and this was the best gift ever! I'm so excited and cannot wait!!! :D:D:D


    Thanks again for your help and all the invaluable info on these boards!



  2. Carnival just called, and I've been upgraded to suite 7271. I'm excited but wonder if anyone has any information about the cabin: specifically the bathroom and the balcony.


    Thanks in advance!



    What's the best way to get a free upgrade? We're going with our 2 young boys in February and staying in 2334-Main deck. Our agent said to just keep calling back to see if anythings available. Is this the only/best way?


    Thanks for your responses!

  3. Okay, we leave in two days and I am nervous. This is the first time to cruise with kids (4 & 6), so I am excited and nervous at the same time. Here I sit at my fire station with to many questions.

    My kids have little patience (as most don't).

    How early can you get on the Conquest?

    Is there a best time to be at the dock?



    I'll be interested to here how your trip went with 2 kids. We've got boys, 2 & 6, leaving in February. Good luck! :D

  4. We are booked for February with 2 boys (6 & 2) and plan to do Nochi Cocum (?) for Cozumel. Anyone been there who can tell us if it is worth it?


    For Jamaica we're thinking Dr.'s Cave. Any thoughts?


    And Grand Cayman will be our "free" day to walk around and relax by a beach. Any suggestions on beaches there?


    oh, we'll be midship on main deck below renoir restaurant. Pros/cons?



  5. thx again for the quick replies and help! Just booked the Conquest for Feb 8! Wow...now I have to keep it a secret from my wife until Christmas (it's her...well OUR Christmas present :D).


    Both ships sound great but since we're not heavy drinkers (we'll take our own wine), we don't gamble, and we're not souvineer junkies...I figure the extra $ is better spent on the longer vacation/better ports/larger ship fresh out of some upgrades, we'll just take it easy on the "extras".


    Thx again, this is an awesome forum! Within an hour of posting my first newbie question, I had some great responses!


    I'll def be back for more research.


  6. Ok, brand new member here...I know I may need to post this in the main forum but it is a question related to Conquest. thx ahead of time for your patience and help.


    I've got to decide between Carnival Conquest 7 day cruise and Carnival Ecstasy 5 day cruise in February 09. I need to make the booking today if possible!


    Brief facts: 2 adults, one 2 yr old, one 6 yr old, my wife and I have been on 2 NCL cruises, kids are very outgoing and travel well, we live in Houston.




    Those with cruise experience...would you opt for the Ecstasy and have a little more $ to blow? Or take the Conquest and operate with a little less spending $?

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