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Posts posted by shedew

  1. Just returned from Norwegian Dawn and experienced the new tier changes to the Latitudes program as a Platinum Plus. Overall I thought the change was a plus.

    Check-in was a disaster at the Port of New Orleans - But from past experience I was able to by-pass bad direction by the NCL port employees, and found the priority check-in line without anyone in line.

    I was not able to get great dinner reservation times on line before we left, but was able to put the Platinum Plus "preferred dinner reservation" angle on the dining host at the port, changing all our dinner reservations to the coveted 7pm +/- 1/2 hour, without much difficulty.

    On arrival at our cabin, a preprinted 3 fold card stock was waiting for us that explained the new platinum plus benefits and discounts, as well as three tear off coupons attached. One for dinner at Cagney's or Bistro (with wine), the next for Moderno or La Cucina. The last coupon for one complementary bag of laundry. 4 medium size bottles of spring water as well as a bottle of sparkling wine were also found. A plate of chocolate covered strawberry's found there way to us later in the day.

    We made our way to the CruiseNext office and signed up for the "dinner with officers" and "behind the scene tour." ( NOTE: You need to sign up for these the first day before 9PM or they are lost.) Also found were old style coupons for each of us for free 60 minutes of internet each. I needed to stop in the next day to the internet tech to activate even though the coupon said you could do it yourself. He placed both hours on one account for us.

    The behind the scene tour hasn't changed - Theater, Laundry, Kitchen. Although I will continue to go as sometimes we get lucky

    and taken to....other locations, such as the crew bar, butcher shop, and the chicken room where two guys cut chicken in a walk-in cooler all day dressed in winter coats, 7 days a week...I had requested to see the bakery this trip, but despite a positive before the trip started was ignored in the end....next time.

    The dinner with officers was a little different than expected. We received a letter on day 3 that said it was on day 5, meet in the atrium, and to confirm by noon the next day. I was slightly annoyed that we had to re-confirm, but it was not really any trouble. Anyhow dinner was in Aqua at a special marble table that sat maybe 10 to 12. The officers were two junior officers, the Guest Services Manager, and the Group Services Manager. Not the staff captain, chief engineer, or hotel manager we all had imagined. Although the officers were pleasant, it was nice to converse "old dinning style" with other guest.

    We didn't bother with the shows, so can't comment on the priority seating and when I asked the CruiseNext staff about it, they were confused. Never hear from a concierge, but not really surprised.

    Priority Disembarkation, I went to get the "Yellow" luggage tags from guest services and was redirected to the CruiseNext team. So I got to wait in line twice. As a further note on disembarking, we were in the main dining room when "Yellow" was called in the Port of Boston. We did the NCL fish thing of going against the current of bodies looping through the Bliss lounge to disembark on the stern starboard side. While trying to find the "end of the line" somewhere around Bamboo and the gift shop, a very short line was exiting starboard forward, making for a very quick exit.

    As another comment, I usually ignore the sparkling wine, figuring it was junk and tasted bad. This time I did the same and left it in the cabin but made note of the label. "Duc De Valmer." I was surprised that the on-line wine reviews give it a very respectable 4 out of 5. With a value of between $11 and $19....next trip I will drink it.

  2. I've has all three on numerous occasions. If I was limited to one of the three on any given trip. I would go for the porterhouse. It may be slightly "lighter" than the tomahawk but it includes a filet. The tomahawk is impressive, but I don't find the flavor quite as good and it can be a workout to get it off the bone. If you open up the choices to include the strip and filet, I would chose one of those. You still won't leave hungry and have some room to really enjoy the rest of the meal. Frankly, I'm over 350 lbs, and pretty full before the steak even gets to me.

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