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Posts posted by ksheart

  1. I am renting a car in Halifax and Saint John's but am confused about the times. I realize there is a time difference so I phoned Carnival and asked if the time in our itinerary is ship time or local time and was told it adjusts to local time so book at the itinerary time. When I look at the arrival times on the terminal website it is an hour later which would mean I now need to change the times with the rental places. Which is correct? If I am due in to Halifax, according to the itinerary, at 8 am should I expect that to really be 9 am and therefore not try to retrieve the car until say 9:30? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

  2. I will be arriving in Saint John October 9 and am considering renting a car. (My parents are traveling with me and my Dad has limited mobility.) We thought we would drive the coast. Is it best to drive toward St. Andrews or Sussex since he won't be able to do long walks? I am in hopes that they will see the tides, the changing leaves and a few small side towns. Any ideas?

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