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Posts posted by cheekyscouse

  1. This is normal practice as spending is authorised every evening. They do warn you of this in the small print and suggest you phone your Credit Card company to clear outstanding authorisations. https://ask.pocruises.com/help/PO/returning-home/pre_auth


    I did phone my bank and was advised that only p and o could release the funds, it's a load of rubbish for them to say it's the the banks system, they are the ones who request the payment from your card, it would be interesting to hear what the financial ombudsman service said on this, this could have had serious implications for me, as I had no access to my account and could have incurred bank charges and direct debits could have been returned by the bank due to lack of funds in the account.

  2. I have recently had to complain to p and o I sent a complaint using reservations email address on Wednesday of this week and I have not even received acknowledgement my complaint has been received.


    I returned from ventuar last weekend, despite paying for my holiday up front and my on board account being deducted from my card on Monday, my card had been earmarked for a further 500 pounds, despite having paid in full there was a further 500 pound in my account I could not withdraw as p and o had earmarked this, finally got the money released on Thursday morning but still no reply to complaint from p and o how's that for service::mad:

  3. I was told that the tips do not go to all of the staff for example , staff working in the laundry etc, the tips mainly go to the restaurant and cabin staff, I therefore had mine removed and tipped personally the staff who I thought earned it.

    Not sure how true it was but was told that the tips mainly go to the more senior staff.

  4. as per my initial post, the fact you are insured was irrelevant my point was that the charges were astronomical in relation to the treatment received and this is why insurance premiums are so high whether that be car or travel insurance, when you make a claim the medical/legal profession get rich.:mad:

  5. Just back from Caribbean on ventura , unfortunately my partner suffered a nosebleed that would not stop, had to attend medical centre on board.


    I am absolutely disgusted with the charges applied to my account it cost in excess of £500 to treat a nosebleed, the treatment consisted of a Tampon type dressing inserted into her nostril, and 1 anti sickness tablet dispensed I am livid:mad:.

    Whether or not you are covered by insurance for the charges is irrelevant, no wonder the insurance premiums are so high when the charges the ships make are a rip off.

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