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Posts posted by mamk

  1. All I know is we had a good time with Royston in an open air van which was great for taking pictures. He stopped along the road where a man was holding a small monkey enabling us to take pictures. He paid our admissions, stopped at a roadside market and bought us cookies, drove on a beach where horses were enjoying the surf, he stopped and picked some sugar cane and fed donkeys out of his window, we stopped at a beach with a beachside snack bar and he bought us lunch which was a wrap like sandwich filled with meat. All enjoyed our lunch and ocean view. Overall, both my husband and myself saw a lot more and enjoyed ourselves more than we would have seen on any tour we've taken.

  2. We booked with Roystan last April and we really enjoyed our tour ! He's a really nice guy and goes out of his way to show you the real St. Kitts!! The tour was well worth what we paid and we gave him a nice tip thinking he deserved more than what we paid for the tour!! I certainly would not hesitate to book with him again in St.Kitts.

  3. Thanks Kim for taking us along on your vacation!! You do such an awesome job on your reviews! You sure fooled us with a picture of "G" that all of us were hoping to see. I hope you both make a love connection. It it's to be it will be. He's a really sharp dresser as are you. Thanks again for all the time you put into this. We're sailing on a 6 day on the Breeze in November. Now I wish we had had chosen the 8 day. Maybe next year.


    Looking forward to reading your next review!!

  4. Thanks people for the updates. Feeling a lot better now. Just not so sure about getting close to the edge of a cliff :eek:. I'll have to talk to him about that before we start. The rest sounds great!


    We have another couple from our roll call who are joining us and are presently looking for a third.




    I fully agree with you about talking to him first about the higher road! You could probably tell him you have a fear of heights, which so many of us do have. I know he would fully understand. You will see the view just a little lower. You will see awesome scenery by the Marriott area. It's a huge hotel spread out in a beautiful setting. There are beautiful condos nearby or apartments with infinity pools - gorgeous!! The area where the Atlantic meets the Caribbean is beautiful too. As you might tell, I loved St. Kitts!!

  5. We just got back from our cruise last night. Our tour with Royston was one of the best excursions of our trip. He can go anywhere with his van. I think he thinks it's more like a open air Jeep than a van. He can go anywhere with it and he does. He's pretty proud of it - he said it's a Toyota. We had a half day tour. We started about 8:30 but didn't return until maybe 2:00. Well worth the money! He gave us a really fun and thorough ride all around the island. We made that same stop to see some monkeys. He knew the man and gave him some money when we took some pictures. He just does so many extra things for you that large tour vans wouldn't do. He stopped along the road at a souvenir stand and bought each of our three couples a large coconut/cookie to share. He stopped and got some sugar cane for us to feed some donkeys at the black rocks beach. We fed them right from the van and left them more to enjoy. A donkey about 20 ft. from the others started hee-hawing that he wanted some too. You can tell he loves animals and has a good heart. It was fun along the beach where fishermen had their small boats anchored and seeing the horses enjoying the surf. There is a huge beautiful Marriott that you pass as you near town.

    All in all, after he paid the man for the monkeys, each passenger's admission to the fort, bought us lunch, the drinks from his cooler, the coconut candy cookie - that $45. pp just didn't seem enough compensation for a really nice day. So, we added more.

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