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Posts posted by Nceremuga

  1. Hey ladies!! I am soooo sorry I have missed so much. I fell off the wagon! I went back to school for the first time in 10 years so I am pretty bogged down with my time. I have missed so many pages! I am really glad your all still posting and updating and I do keep an eye on your facebooks :) Yeah I havent been to the gym in a few months I might just cancel my membership for now I just literally dont have the time between full time school and 40 hours at work. Then the house needs tending to and my husband.... and some me time of course. I will try to check in periodically with you gals and see how your doing.

  2. Brooke - Great job on the weight lose. Good job on eating well while away. I know what you mean about the gym. Some days I feel like I am the only thing everyone is looking at, I try to go to the gym in the afternoon thats when the old people all go. They dont care what anyone looks like :P I <3 Starbucks


    Kim - Good job on good meal choices. Its good that you split the coffee cake with your hubby that bad boy is 400 calories and 8 grams of fat!!! Reduced fat was just lowered from twice that, the words are tricky there with things I am sure Starbucks isnt the only place to try and pull a fast one on some people that struggle with their weight. Its not horrible to eat that kind of stuff I enjoy our cakes too, they are good and the sandwich YUM!!! but everything in moderation.


    I havent been going well with my eating/gym habits. Getting a bit depressed and waiting for Jeff to hear from this new job hopefully. I secretly hope he gets it because when he is at home and not working I hate to spend time at the gym because I would rather be with him at home being lazy and playing video games. So if he gets this job I wont feel guilty about going to the gym more :)

  3. What size frapp? If it was a grande it was 140 calories and 1 gram of fat. If you had whipped cream thats another 70 calories and 7 grams of fat.


    The sandwich you had was 330 calories and 11 grams of fat.


    So with just breakfast your look at about 470 calories give or take a few. Depends on the amount of ice they used, if you drank/ate it all. Stuff like that


    Hope this helped!

  4. Jess I have been going to the YMCA regularly. I usually go about 3-4 times a week for 1 hour and 30 minutes. I do some exercising at home including Bender Ball and Wiifit :) But I have been watching what I eat of course as you see in this thread. I stopped eating out at fast food places. Only eating out is done for dinner at like restaurants (I am a sucker for sushi), No more soda and no more pastries from the case at work :P

  5. Welcome Kimmer and Hawks


    Hawks - I have a bender ball. It is a good work out for your mid drift and abs. You dont even have to push too hard to feel it. You wont feel it during the workout but after youll hurt!!!


    Kimmer - Congrats on the weight you have lost every little bit is something to celebrate!


    Now then meals today for me were cereal for breakfast and I made chicken quesadillas for lunch/dinner. I use low fat cheeses and a TON of chicken in it with some onions and spices and a little bbq sauce its YUM!!!! I have a new cookbook that is all heart association approved recipes. LOW calories and HIGH on the protiens. I will post some if I like what they turn out as. A friend recently taught me that plain yogurt and applesauce can replace things like oils and butter in most recipes and you cant even tell. Just a tip. I have a dinner tonight with the girls from work at a hibachi bar so we will see what I rack up then. I LOVE green tea ice cream! I wish I could get that in the local grocery stores :( Maybe I can find a recipe and make it myself.


    I tried on some old shorts that I have been saving that are a size 16 I fit in them with another inch of space!!! So I am probably at a size 14 atm. If I get to 12 I will be more then happy with myself!


    Kim - I will try to add you again on Facebook if not my user name is NCeremuga I think.

  6. Welcome SardisGrandma!!! You story rings true here. I am sure its 100 times harder to lose weight at your age. Thats why I am pushing now so hard. I am only 26 I have time i think to get back to a normal size. Not that I ever was. BUT you know what I mean. There are days where I say tomorrow I will eat healther or tomorrow I will go to the gym instead. I decided that you really need to say tomorrow isnt ever going to get here. I have taught myself to just go and do it as soon as it pops into my head. If i say "I should go to the gym" I get and go that instant I dont give myself time to justify it to another time or day. Once your in the car to the gym its that much easier to go and do it. Then before I know it its 1hour and 30 minutes in and I actually want to stay longer!!!!


    I do run into issues with going at "that time of the month" I just cant get myself to go on those days... Anyone have tips for that kind of an issue???


    Sardis - Whats your real name so we know ^_^ We seem to be keeping real names here instead of user names. Mine is Nicole.


    Kim - Sounds like you had a blast!!! Glad your back.


    Making some good choices girls?? I had carnation instant breakfast and extra protien mixed in, plain yogurt with blueberries and strawberries, pasta with shrimp and a lemon basil cream sauce for lunch. Nothing for dinner yet. Its late now and I am still not hungry I might have some cereal or something but nothing serious.

  7. Good I am glad you got a friend to go with, its such a good price its hard to pass up. Jeff hopefully is getting a new job which means if he gets it once a month for a week he will be flying to Florida. That would kinda suck : ( I will be LONELY. Thats when I eat the most. We went to the store today got alot of health foods. Sandwichs for lunchs and some red meats for dinner this week. We almost went to ice cream tonight but once the place didnt take credit cards we left and went home instead. I might have a bowl of cereal later or something but thats it.

  8. Hello Bellfry, I agree greek yogurt is AMAZING!!! Thats one of the snacks I love. Some greek yogurt with a little honey to sweeten it a bit. I am looking into getting a george foreman grill to make some sandwiches on, that sounds yum!!


    How you girls doing? Keeping on track I hope. I did my protien shake this morning for breakfast and a yogurt for a snack. I had panera for lunch which was half a turkey sandwich and mushroom soup. yum!


    We bought a new car a 2010 Subaru Outback so I am feeling pretty motivated in my real life and such!! That always helps making the food choices go well.


    Brooke- have you found anyone for your cruise yet? I wish we could go : / Cant go that close to the honeymoon unfortunatly. We should all plan one sometime together! :)


    Jess - I agree the Subway is the better choice if you were faced with Mcdonalds or subway.

  9. Hey ladies!!! Today was Free pastry day at Starbucks. NOT GOOD!! I totally snuck a cinnamon scone. BUT I only ate half of it then threw it out. For breakfast I had a bowl of rice crispies and my protien drink. Lunch was a hungarian golash that one of the coworkers brought in and oatmeal. And dinner was a chicken quesadilla. I didnt snack too much I did have a yogurt at my 10 minute break and an ice coffee. I needed the coffee today 8:30-5:00 and it was busy the WHOLE time. Tomorrow I have a 6:30-3:00 day so it is getting wearing on me. I didnt workout today but I was sooo tired at the end of the day I just couldnt even stand anymore. Tomorrow I will push to get to the gym :)

  10. I had my epiphany! I was gifted with an extra 30 bucks (Dont know how) but I went to the mall to get a couple shirts or a cute skirt or something. EVERYTHING I tried on looked horrible. I looked fat and sad and Just miserable. I was all alone and the first thing I said to myself I should just go home and play games and eat some lunch from a place on the way home! My mind went right to food. I am eating because I get depressed. I was so angry at myself that I went home and went to the gym for 30 minutes and then to the grocery store to get some more healthier foods. I am not loosing weight because i keep eat bad foods. I try but I snack on this snack on that. I am only fessing up to the breakfast lunch and dinner stuff but what about all those snicks and snacks in the middle of the day. I had a muffin and a donut on the way to the mall. I DONT NEED THAT CRAP. I need to eat better. Boy am I on a mission now. You best believe it.

  11. wow your husband looks 100 times better with 90 lbs down. You can really see it in his face. He just looks happier too!!! Well I am doing ok I guess down to 233 but I didnt go to the gym yet today. Jeff is at school until 9:30 so I am going to try and make myself go sometime this evening. We will see I just worked for 8 hours so I feel like I have been up all day and tomorrow another 8 hours starting early early. SOOOO maybe I wont go. Might just do the wiifit, then gym it tomorrow. Wii fit makes my tummy hurt alot which I dont get at the gym. I usually just do cardio at the gym and some weight training. Drinking ALOT of water lately but I did get KFC tonight grilled, since I actually hate the taste of crispy. Had weight control oatmeal for lunch and carnation instant breakfast for breakfast. My snack was a rice crispy treat :) Not too bad I guess. I wish I didnt go for the KFC however. I actually turned around in the gym parking lot to go to KFC and home instead of to the gym....:(

  12. Glad to help out and yes your right light doesnt always mean that light. For example the REDUCED fat cinn coffee cake is lower fat from like 800 calories I think its sitting at about 400 calories now, the fat is at 8g. So words can be VERY misleading. That goes for things labeled low fat and reduced fat arent always still that great for you. Brooke- Thanks for understanding me :) **HUGS** Keep up the great work ladies.

  13. Yes the gold card is still around you just normally have to ask for one. As far as frapps go In 2004, Starbucks created a "Light" version which according to the company has 54% of the calories, 15% of the fat (0.5g vs 3g), and 52% of the carbohydrates of the original.[3] This version is prepared the same way as the original but uses a modified flavoring mix with less fat and Splenda as a sweetener. Now that 54% of the calories that makes the light still 180 calories. and 23 grams of sugar in it. Sodium is at 320 grams. The ingredients in the pre mix that we use are: (liquid base)Skim milk, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, inulin, creme, corn syrup solids, natural and artificial flavors, salt, cocoa powder, carragreenan, sodium caseinate,carboxymethly cellulose, sucralose, acesulfame K and disodium phosphate..............(powdered base) Starbucks coffee. Then we add milk and thats basically it with ice and flavoring of choice. I dont care for the ingredients that you cant even say and the artificial flavorings I am trying to get away from. They wont kill you but if your trying to lose weight its not the best choice for you. I would lean towards teas, iced green tea has a ton of antioxidants in it. I drink chai with soy in it for the extra protein, but I am sure nonfat is better yet. One girl who was diabetic use to get the passion tea alot that was basically all she could drink. Americanos iced are probably the absolute best for your since espresso is nothing in nutrition facts. its 0 for everything so if you can stand espresso. Even a frappucchino with a shot of espresso in it will bring down your calories and sugar and fat because the espresso subs in for the frappucchino mix for atleast 2oz. I hope this helped educate you on these drinks. Remember everything is ok in moderation. A drink once in a while isnt horrible for you. Just remember how much you take into your system as liquids and you try justifying that to yourself as "OH its only a drink" This goes for alcohol also but you usually hear about the calories in that stuff more then you do in everything else you drink all day.

  14. I hear you there is a girl that I work with that's 126 and she complains that she is fat all the time. Now I have no issues with someone who wants to be healthy at any weight but she thinks she is actually fat not just that she isnt in shape ( I do know the difference but some don't) Now I read your thread posts and I almost feel like the girl I work with. I feel I am fat at 234 but I am sure that you guys would love to be what I am at now : ( I hope hope hope so badly that my guilt isn't offensive. I know I am obese accord to my dr standards and society for that matter, but at the same time at least I am an 18 and I should be grateful I am making a change in my lifestyle now at this weight. I cant imagine being larger, I have issues at this weight. I mostly started deciding to do this because I hardly buy clothes mostly because clothes at my size are like 2x more expensive to get something that's cute on me. Where as most of my girlfriends can get any cheap piece of cloth and be 5-10 bucks! Its not fair!!! I cant imagine what finding something larger can possibly feel like. My wardrobe now is all black basically because it makes me look the thinnest! I am going back to school in the fall and I want to be feeling better about wearing clothes by then. Sorry for my ranting I do that often when I am really thinking about things I tend to babble and make sense only to myself or those crazy enough to follow me.

  15. Yes I do, the frapps are good SOOO bad for you however. Lights better but I choice not to drink those they feel so chemical to me for some reason. And yes those pastries are super yummy!! I love the new scones.... but like I said I have to make sure I dont snack on them. Its hard when they are right there in your face. If they break we can eat them and drinks are free for us during our shifts and 30 minutes before and after. So its VERY tempting to get whatever you really want. I have been with them for 5 years now so the novelty of being able to drink free drinks has worn off now. Great company to work for if your ever looking for a part time job :D The gold card if a wicked good idea. I try to get regular customers to get it but some just dont want it and I cant believe when they dont want it! I have a woman who gets a coffee light frapp twice EVERY day. She wont get one at all!!! But hey to each their own right :)

  16. Thats great news Brooke. 3 lbs is 3 lbs!!! I live in upstate, NY near Saratoga. My fiance is from Sarasota, FL so we visit Florida often :) His parents still live there. I kind of wish we lived there but atleast up here I can cover up and blame it on the snow!!! I got to the gym today FINALLY after about a month of not going. I went lightly but I was still there for 30 minutes. We had chicken quesadillas for dinner. I only ate 2 of my 6 pieces. Then I was full so I stopped. I usually make myself eat it all I hate left overs and I hate throwing food out even more so. Also got one Pyrex sandwich boxes that were on sale at the outlets here. So now I can bring a sandwich and room for one snack to work. That should be enough for me. Since I also tend to drink our coffees and drinks at Starbucks I bought Crystal Light single use packages. So now I can use those at work instead of fattening white mochas!!! Nagh I usually drink chai with soy milk. One is ok but not 3-4 every day I work. The new pastries there also help because even though they are better for you (now without artificial flavors, trans-fats and corn-starch) they are still bad for you because one of those bad boys is like 480 calories! The scale said I was back up 4 pounds but I weighed right after eating so I am sure that has something to do with it :) Edit: P.S. I had someone tell me to measure myself since my weight number isnt dropping at all still at 238 pretty much solid but I have noticed I am down one dress size and my pants no longer are holding up so well on me. I can tell my body is changing. So measuring might be a good idea vs reading a scale sometimes. Probably both is best. Just a tip

  17. I think we all understand that 'Life' happens Nicole,lol. Are these photography classes? I can't remember if I had asked or not.

    They are! Actually since I changed majors I have to start at the beginner photography class. Ugh! Its ok I dont mind doing it. But I have a sociology, modern dramatic literature and a biology I am taking as well this semester. Next semester I can get into more advanced photo manipulation classes.
  18. Hey ladies!!! Sorry I haven't been around school starting soon. I have been dealing with getting it all paid for. Plus holidays and parties!!! UGH THE FOOD there. On top of that I haven't been going to the gym : / I have been eating well actually in all of this. Been buying Edy's fruit bars instead of ice cream!! They are good!! and fudge pops are fat free so I eat those too. Jeff got me a wii fit today!!! It's amazing!!! I did a 30 minute work out and it was fun!!! Its nothing comparable to the gym but its something to add on. I also quit playing my video game again. I was getting too into it and i blame that for my downfall on going to the gym. I did loose 2 more pounds but I am still no where close to where I want to me. Sorry I havent been typing but I have been reading. Welcome Kim btw!!!

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