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Posts posted by bjkeen

  1. Okay, I'm sure this is a really dumb question but I've searched and can't find anything. Hubby and I are set to travel on the Imagination on July 29th. It's a quick 4 night trip. I am pretty sure the Elegant night is on night #2. Honestly, I'd rather not have to pack a dress and heels and get all done up and hubby would certainly rather not don a suit. Are we going to feel out of place if we don't dress up that night?



    Many people do not go into the dining room because they do not want to dress up, they eat at the buffet. There is a list of "What is Not acceptable to wear in the dining room" for Carnival. Let me see if I can remember it...No shorts, no shirts without sleeves. I just got off the Magic yesterday. On formal night I saw people very dressed up, I also saw people with a nice shirt and pants, skirts for gals. Safe bet for dining room is dress like you going to work, or church. We got dressed up because we wanted too. As long as you look nice, don't sweat it. Or you could go to the buffet and never dress up. Don't worry, enjoy yourself, you will be on vacation. There will be photographers taking pics. this is an opportunity for pics with friends and family. Have a wonderful cruise!

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