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Posts posted by bluecrush3533

  1. I hate to sound like a wimp, and flying doesn't normally bother me, but I knew nothing about SA before I booked them yesterday for my flights at Christmas.


    Today I started thinking I really should look into their safety record. I happened to "wander" onto a website (not a safety website) where people were discussing how SA doesn't have adequate training, have a poor record of safety, etc. They mentioned some fatal crashes, etc...


    Now I normally love, love, love flying, but I go with airlines I know which make me feel safe... Delta and Qantas.


    Do you feel like SA is safe? I honestly don't know the difference between any of the airlines in Asia..and I "thought" I recognized the name of this one, as opposed to some with China and Korea in the title, so I booked it.




    All I can say is that I am very jealous of you! When I plan a trip to Asia they are the Airline I plan to use and from every Conde Nast Travel to airline review websites there has been nothing but the best reviews for SA.

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