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missouri mike

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Posts posted by missouri mike

  1. Agreed. I'm hoping they get this one figured out before I cruise on Sept 21 as well. The $262.50 for a 7 day cruise does work out to $37.50 per day, but at $399.50 for a 7 day cruise it's $57.07 per day. Ouch! that's more than the original pricing at $49.95 per day regardless of the length of the cruise. :confused:


    Ok folks, calm down a little...lol. $399 for a 7 or 8 day cruise. I am mad about this as well, but, do the math $399 divided by 8 is $49.88 basically the same price as before. No it isn't clear about what price you will pay, but, it should not be more than before. I'll just pay by the drink on this cruise and maybe look at the alternatives for the next cruise. Have a great day!

  2. Can someone tell me what is the best for snorkeling (I'm with Princess in April); Maya Key or Fantasy Island.


    The Fantasy Island has an organise excursion for snorkeling but the Maya Key seems more wild...


    Help please!


    I cannot comment on Maya Key, but, I have been to Fantasy Island. We are going back to Fantasy Island in September. It was awesome, protected cove for begging snorkelers and open water for others. We did not use a guide for the snorkeling, just winged it. The beach was about a quarter mile half round shape with a gradual slope to it. They have iguanas all over the place, monkeys that we all fed sugar to in the lobby. Best of all 8 of us went and there was only 2 other people on the beach. They have food and drink available, although we did not eat. Did have a couple of drinks, avoid the mixed drinks, bartender didn't really know how to mix a drink.

  3. All I can say is "One and Done"! We went with friends and had a good time, but, not a great time. Whoever was sailing that AI forgot to steer around the storms...lol. I was bored after the 2nd day, I can only sit, drink, and watch waves and rain for so long then I have to move. At night the place just died, never had that problem on a cruise...always something to do. If I don't want to do anything at all, there is plenty of that as well on a cruise.

  4. Ok, lets see, make the dessert mixes off the ship and let the chefs on the ship bake the desserts. Sounds simple to me, increase the quality while still preserving the "Eye Candy". Maybe someone from Carnival will see this forum and take some action for the benefit of customers, employees, and the cruise line itself.

  5. What money did they steal from you?


    The interest (income from investment) I would earn on the money that I didn't have to pay as deposit. I know it's not much, but, .01 more for me instead of them. Simple economics. Poison7fl do you hate me or just what I have said...lol. Don't really care...I am just glad that maybe I have changed something with Carnival for the better, for all of us (including Carnival).

  6. Just an update, Carnival came through and gave me the price savings without the extra deposit required. They also admitted that the email addresses they sent the email to requiring more deposit money was wrong in their system. Looking at the doc's they have now added the disclaimer in much more prominent place. I still didn't like that I had to go through all of this, but at least things are where they should be. Maybe Carnival read some of the emails and suggestions that I sent because I seen at least one.


    Now I can enjoy my Long Island Teas on the cruise.


    Happy sailing to everyone!

  7. OK, so depending on which camp your in I either am an idiot (could be), or Carnival doesn't take care of their customers (possible). Or maybe both. I have been involved with customer service my entire life in one way or another. If I had a customer complaining about the way I was treating them, I would take a good long hard look at that treatment (policy). If the treatment (policy) was in fact a good treatment (policy) I would take the time to explain it to the customer, if on the other hand it was a bad policy I would it change asap. Carnival can do what it wants. I just don't like the fact that weather it is a written rule or not, they canceled my cruise without any notification. They say they sent an email, when I asked if they could resend it so we could verify that it was sent correctly, I was told no. They send me emails and give me phone calls about all kinds of trivial stuff. No, I didn't read the rules and memorize them, but, I will from now on. Or maybe have a lawyer review all that stuff. Or if Carnival has some other types of problems maybe it will be RCL.


    Thank you to the supporters, you are the people I like to cruise with!

  8. I agree. How many people have posted they found out about the cancel when they receive an email that says their fttf has been canceled? Not one of these people have been able to find the cancel email even in their spam folders. If all the other emails are making it to them, why not that one? Those emails are not really being sent.


    I think you may be on to something....


    Remember at Carnival the customer is always wrong, even if they are right.

  9. Should we listen to this or not. We purchased FTTF, I really hope we get one before 1:00.

    On Saturday, as a result of additional document screening measures implemented by Customs and Border Protection for cruises returning from Belize, our debarkation process is expected to run a bit behind schedule. Therefore, for your comfort and convenience, since seating is limited at our cruise terminal, please do not arrive for check-in prior to 1:00 PM. Our departure remains the same at 4:00 PM.


    If you have to wait can you get a refund?

  10. I think that whenever you change your booking on the computer they should have to call you and let you know about the price change not send a email. I mean they can call your phone for other stupid stuff. They call me all the time trying to get me to sign up for excursions. If they can call for that then why cant they call me and say hey if you dont give us more money then we will cancel your cruise.


    My feelings exactly! Couldn't have said it any better...

  11. We do at least 10 cruises a year, and this has happened to us with a booking we booked during a sale under reduced deposit.


    Never before had we booked with a reduced deposit - it is a nightmare and you end up being cancelled for any price drop processed.


    The fix we have found: When they tell you it is a reduced deposit, insist on paying a full deposit - that is the only way you will be able to avoid this snafu in the future.


    Different departments handle price reductions, and when they match a rate without a full deposit, no one is notified, it triggers an automatic setting in their computer that is used for people who are given 24 hours to decide if they want to book a cruise - if they do not have a full deposit in 24 hours, the offer is off the table, and the reservation is released.


    Unfortunately, when this is triggered and you reservation falls into this 24 hour hold, since you do not have a full deposit, it is an automatic cancel.


    Even the PVP's are losing bookings to this because they make a change and everything is fine, unknown to anyone, the 24 hour ticker is counting. Some people do catch it because if you happen to sign into your carnival.com account, you booking will say that $XXXX dollars is due by the next day. Once it is cancelled, it disappears from you cruise listings.


    If you do see a cruise go missing, it is a sure sign it fell into the 24 hour cancel.


    Thanks for the tip! I will definitely do that the next time.

  12. When I called to see what was going on with my booking they told me it was canceled as well they told me they sent it to my email address the only problem is that I had never received it. :mad: I have since gotten it all fixed but it still cost more money. :mad::mad::mad:


    Must be something about that cruise date and ship!

  13. Well known by those who frequent this board; not well known to cruisers. Given the frequency of these types of situations being posted, I would expect Carnival to be more proactive. Perhaps when they grant the lower fare, they should acknowledge then and there that an additional deposit is required.


    I'm seriously starting to doubt that these emails are being received given the number of posts by people who state that they haven't received them. If Carnival wants to shore up its bookings, they need to stop canceling cruises. Perhaps that's why the prices are dropping. They're thinking there's less demand because they keep canceling bookings.


    For what it's worth, I've had excellent customer service by Carnival, but I've never been put in this situation and I known that my TA hasn't had the best time in working with them with her other clients because of the various fare categories and associated rules.


    Don't get me wrong, I like cruising the fun ships. I have been on quite a few over the years, Princess, Celebrity, etc...and have always had good service.


    This just rubbed me raw

  14. You have my sympathies!


    As for it being "well known" I would say that is subjective. I certainly would not have known that, and I would expect that when I changed my reservation I would be informed at that point of any further deposit or monies owing.


    Sorry this happened to you. I wouldn't be feeling very warm and fuzzy either. :(


    I love you Sarahsmomi....thanks I needed that!

  15. when I read the title of this thread I could have told you the contents. Its happened to so many people. Did you register with your email address when you first booked? did you check the spam or junk folders?


    They need to do a better job of letting people know but as the poster above said, its well known that if you book a cabin with a reduced deposit and change the reservation in any way, you will owe the resto of the deposit.


    sorry it happened and glad you got your reservation back.


    Thanks for the reply...I was hoping for some sympathy. They were able to send my confirmation to the email address within seconds, but, not an email to tell me to pay up or my reservations would be cancelled? That way they could collect more money.


    I know the customer is always wrong at Carnival...

  16. Sorry you had an issue however, it's well known that if you booked at a rate with a reduced deposit, any changes you make will require the full deposit immediately.

    Many people have posted about this.

    Could Carnival do better? Yes they could.

    Could people pay more attention to the terms and conditions? Yes they could.


    Ouch I was hoping for some sympathy....

    ...big corps stealing my money.

  17. WOW! After all the press on the find a lower rate and we will honor it, Carnival blew this one. I applied on line for the lower rate about $200. Filled the on line form out, sent it, and a few days later the booking shows the new rate. Awesome it works I thought to myself. This weekend I could not log into my booking. I figured they were having web site problems again. Today I call to figure out how to see my bookings. I was told that an email was sent to myself and my wife telling us they needed another $100 for the deposit. We booked under the reduced deposit before, so, this rate forced into paying the full deposit. No problem with that, I can handle it if I was informed of it. Neither wife nor I seen an email from them informing us of this and after 3 days they cancelled our reservations! I guess they could have called me, or put a note on the doc's, but, they already have my money, so, why bother. I rebooked our cruise for $100 less than our original fare, but, $100 more than our savings fare.


    I don't have a warm and fuzzy feeling about Carnival right now! Hopefully the new CEO can right the SS Carnival.


    Sorry for the rant, just want people to know that the online form has some problems with it! I will call from now on with my lawyer sitting beside me...lol.

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