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Posts posted by chrisandlynne

  1. Hello All,

    I e-mailed Azamara's UK Managing Director, Richard Twynam, yesterday to try and get some up-to-date clarity on where the Quest will be berthed on NYE and what arrangements might be put in place to view the fireworks. I also asked why the website description has changed from the original wording. I am grateful for his prompt response and he has detailed the latest position as follows:

    Sincere thanks for your note. Allow me to clarify some of the detail. There was one piece of marketing copy that we felt needed to be changed which was done to be more representative. No other marketing mentioned that statement.

    It’s also worth noting that no cruise ship can moor at Circular Quay during New Years Eve, so the positon we have is the best available in Sydney for the celebrations.

    The position of the vessel in White Bay has good visibility of the northern barges, and the fireworks from the top of the bridge. We are working on access to other vantage points if guests want a different perspective. Based on discussions I have had with Sydney based colleagues the view is good. But other options will be available should you wish to choose a local tour.

    I trust this helps and if I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.

    He also undertook to consider placing any updates on the Roll Call message board, which would be most useful.

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